What's your biggest phobia?

by luna 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna

    Me? SPIDERS!!! I can handle any other bug, snakes, mice, etc....but get me near a spider, and I nearly have a breakdown.

    This morning, I went to grab some clothes from the bathroom to wash, felt something crawling on my arm, looked down, GIANT, hairy, brown spider. I still have the heebie-jeebies, and I probably woke up the neighbors.


    So, what are your guy's worst phobia?


  • Aztec

    My biggest one is mice!!! I hate mice! I've had panic attacks upon seeing one. Another one is heights. I can barely climb a ladder without getting dizzy. I also have a slight phobia of Expat's smarmy curmudgeon replies.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Hair in a sandwich. Getting that hair in my mouth when I least expect it freaks me out. Yuck

  • little witch
    little witch

    Definatly Arachniphobia!

    Every Autumn, we get these huge wolf spiders in the house!

    They especially like the laundry room......

    My kids are beginning to complain about having no clean clothes!!!!

  • Hamas

    Sinking in the middle of the deep, dark Norweigen sea.


    Although I should be quite good at it.... the ol' sinking feelin.

  • Englishman

    I suffer with claustrophobia. Fear of being in confined spaces.


  • iiz2cool

    None, as far as I know.


  • Mindchild

    Going to a Witness District Convention and giving the Public talk. I'm afraid I would say something they wouldn't like.

    Whew, I'm glad I don't need therapy for this one. lol


  • luna


    You wouldn't last a day in my house. The cats are ALWAYS bringing in mice. Little Luna has to save them, because I can't bear to see them killed, so i'm always picking them up and letting them back outside. I think you'd have a heart attack if you witnessed that.


    I'm with you!! These are the spiders that are currently taking over our house, yard, barn, etc. They're DISGUSTING, and wicked fast:

  • Sassy

    I'm with the Englishman. Clutter. I grew up in small small homes and there was so little room to move around. Now on my own, I have to have some space. There can't be furniture or stuff in every available space or I feel confined.

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