Australian Congregations announce Child Safeguarding Policy is available upon request

by wifibandit 52 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Diogenesister

    If this is not being done on the say so of institutions and is from the Slave, why is it not rolled out worldwide? If kits really about safeguarding and transparency?

    And why only one announcement? What happens if you miss it? Or join next week/ month/ year.

    They care not a jot for kids, but only saving their reputation and the coffers it brings in.

  • Diogenesister

    Absolutely Steve 2." lets make a righteous stand brothers....for paedophiles."

  • jwfacts

    This is terribly disappointing. The announcement that will go over most followers heads, and those that ask will be immediately flagged to be watched by the elders, since showing any knowledge of the ARC is going to been seen as potentially an apostate.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Question is what do you really expect them to do?

    Due to the serious and complex nature of the offense, rather than simply taking for granted that the abuser is repentant, I would say that the he or she should at least be required to attend accredited counseling sessions for a period of time. If he or she isn't willing to do that, then they aren't truly repentant.

    As a lifelong JW. I wasn't aware that there were any policies and or where I could see them if there were any. ln my opinion, the new policy ( and other policies) should be left posted in the Hall and copies should be available to anyone who wants them without having to ask anyone. Members should be encouragement to review the policy(s) from time to time lest new parents or newly converted members be unaware of the past problem.

  • doubtfull1799

    It doesn't even really read like a policy document so much as a list of all their apologetic arguments as to why they they don't need to have policies in place for child abuse.

  • xjwsrock

    It is a vast improvement, but you can see they are just checking off boxes for the commission.

    I think what bothers me the most is that they only report to the authorities when forced to by law or if the child is still in danger (who is going to determine that?).

    A single-person-witnessed allegation that is denied by the perpetrator will receive nothing but maybe a raised eyebrow and a note in a file folder. That means hundreds of molesters will slide through the organization still getting protection behind an ignorant 2-witness rule.

    Also there is no mention whatsoever about any concern for the welfare of children in the community. They honestly don't give a f*** if a worldly kid lives or dies.

    Sorry I'm getting worked up here ...

  • stuckinarut2


    I agree with what jwfacts said above!

    And, isn't it amazing that it only happened as a result of "satan's world" making them do it!

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    This would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    JW pride themselves in having a website in 20 gazillion languages.

    The JW library is available to all and contains all (recent) literature.

    Their ridiculous songbook is updated every 5 seconds.

    Their FAQ lists all kinds of questions so people can easily find (misleading) information to questions the JW deem important.

    But somehow all that infrastructure and their capabilities are completely unused when distributing information about how to keep children safe.

    Every sports club, every youth organization, every decent church and their mother has a child protection policy published on their website.

    But not Watchtower. Two reasons: they're not decent, and they refuse to really acknowledge they are just like any other club or church, with the same problems. Publishing a child protection policy for all to see would mean acknowledging the human - not divine - nature of their cult.

    A one-off announcement and a hidden policy. Way to go. Boo Watchtower.

  • kookie

    just trying to keep their head above the law, stuff the congrants, what they print and what was said at the ARC are two different things.

    most JW would be shaking their heads thinking why? didn't know about this we are a clean org so what the?

    most JW are clueless and that is exactly how the GB want them to be, to keep donating.

  • zeb

    Made available indeed. The policy (!) should be read out at every congregation next Sunday before the watchtower study is done. Not as some mealy mouthed mumble 10 second part of the midweek meeting or pinned on a wall or available if you ask..

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