Is There Anything That You Would NEVER Forgive?

by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpunkyChick

    I do not forgive my aunts, a cousin and a friend who verbally and physically spewed forth garbage from their mouthes. They can die a painful death.

  • Mulan
    Child abuse is unforgivable to me.

    Ditto. I can't imagine why or when I would forgive that.

  • gumby

    I don't know that anyone can honestly answer this question.......until faced with the situation.


  • drwtsn32

    I agree about child abuse....unacceptable.

    I would also not forgive certain things if they were serious enough and the person who wronged me was not sorry.

  • wednesday

    I could forgive a human of child abuse(if they were sincere and wanting it) , but never forget. I believe the ramson covers all sins, but that does not mean I as i human could associate with that person again. I think that would be too much to ask.

  • happy man
    happy man

    I am just now in a situaition where this qestion is relevant, can you forgive some as you now have done very bad things like using teenage girls even if you are an elder, if you then have heard the person from podium talking about how bad this is and that all this acuses in media is bad lies, and some times very agressive also and telling others that they are almost apostates when they ask qestions about this.

    I must ask you here if , can you give this person inn, even if it was 30 years ago the bad things he done happend,, and if he was a very close relative to you, or do you say i forgive him and never say anything about this,it is between him and jehova?

  • avengers

    I might forgive a pedophile, but only after his balls are cut off. Then I might consider it.

  • Vivamus

    I know people, who know people, that will cut those balls off, for a small price.

    Lol, I have friends in low places


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Vivamus
    Is rape unforgivable?

    I would never forgive anyone who raped me.

    Tho, in time, I would stop being angry at him.


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • avengers
    I must ask you here if , can you give this person inn, even if it was 30 years ago the bad things he done happend,, and if he was a very close relative to you, or do you say i forgive him and never say anything about this,it is between him and jehova?

    Please elaborate here.

    Has this person kept this quiet for 30 years? Or has it been 30 years since he spent time in jail?
    Was he sentenced for his act? It's hard to believe that a pedophile did not repeat his act in 30 years.
    Are you sure he kept his "nose clean"?

    And!! It is never, never only between him and jehovah.

    There's no merci for pedophiles. They have to be dealt with. Somehow.


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