Is There Anything That You Would NEVER Forgive?

by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I forgive very easily. What I don't like is others who don't forgive me as easily.

  • oldcrowwoman

    Abuses, betrayal and abandonment !!!!

  • frenchbabyface
    Soledad : I would never forgive someone betraying my trust.

    It's the worst to me !!! (about very very very important thing - about little stuff I don't care cause it probably means I don't care about the one who did it also ... SO)

  • petespal2002

    cheating of any kind

  • Vivamus

    Define forgive.

    In the sense the JW's tought us, that things will go back to as they were, and I would wipe the incident from my memory, so to speak.... No, I can't forgive everything.

    In my defination, I can forgive, stop being angry, but will never go back to the original status quo. Somethings are just to big, and it can never be okay again.

    Gawd, I am not getting my words right here,


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • JH

    I forgive you Vivamus for not posting that beautiful avatar before.

  • Vivamus

    Why, thank you JH


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • little witch
    little witch

    One of the hardest things to forgive is when evil is repaid for good. That is very hard to take. It hurts something so deep, such a precious part of us, that forgiveness is almost too much to contemplate.

    Things like child abuse, or when you try to help somebody out and get kicked in the teeth for it.

    Or like many here on the board who have given their lives and families to a religion that did evil to them in the end..

    I surely wouldnt expect forgiveness on the part of an injured party when things like this are done to them, the damage is too great plus if we forgave them, we would be open for it again.

  • minimus

    I know some that NEVER, EVER will forgive child abuse. I can understand this. Personally, I know of nothing that I could say is clearly unforgivable.

  • Brandy

    Child abuse is unforgivable to me.

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