Seen any good movies lately?

by StinkyPantz 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    Lost in Translation has an 8.2 on imdb... and Kill Bill has an 8.5!! Anything with an 8 or higher is usually very, very good. (The highest score happens to be The Godfather with a 9.0.)

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I'm a wingnut. I didnt realize Lost in Translation was still in theatres. I am going to go see it this week

  • primitivegenius

    underworld: two thumbs up...... kicks ass and pretty people doing the kicking....... and not alot of gore and grossness really

    the run down: two thumbs up lol....... the rock kicks ass ....... and cooks............ who woulda thunk it

    second hand lions: saw it...... didnt think i would like it............ LOVED IT..... and laughed my ass off....... fishing with shotguns...... my kinda people lol

    under the tuscan sun: chick flick deluxe but i did enjoy it verymuch lol lots of fun tho no ass kicking.......... so im gonna give it only one thumb up lol

    kill bill: the damn thing didnt end.........grrrrrrrr only a part one lol lots of gore but fake ass looking so as not to make me hurl lol but uma did kick ass lol.

    once upon a time in mexico: liked desperado better but followed same kinda patterns.......... and if you liked the first one then you will like this one 2

    out of time: denzel is a crazed man in this one....... covering up his implication in a local double homicide..... cause he can...... as cheif of police........ didnt think it would be as funny but i very much enjoyed it as well............

    ok im outta movies that ive seen lately lol so guess that was my 2 cents worth

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Underworld was the best recent movie I've seen. I enjoyed School of Rock and maybe mostly because of the kick ass sound track and the fact that I didn't expect it to be good.

  • luna

    1. Lord of The Rings...Two Towers is better than Fellowship, but they're both friggen awesome, and i can't wait for the 3rd.

    2. Empire of the Sun.. Old movie, late 80's, but really good, if you like historical stuff. About a little english kid getting seperated from his parents in Shanghai during the 2nd World War, and all the things he went through in the camps. Christian Bale as the little kid...Excellent movie.

    3. Yeah, i Love Office Space. That is SO my life. Cubicle, cubicle, cubicle.

    4. The Gift and also The Others, if you like ghost stories. Both are good.

    5. Any of the old John Hughes movies. (pretty in pink, etc.) I am a child of the 80's.

  • Tatiana

    I agree, Stacy...Underworld was awesome.

    Stinkypantz---you are soooooo right!!! House of the Dead SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted my money back! The game was even better!!

    I was hoping every last one of the actors would get killed!

    28 Days Later...Great!!

    MegaDude....Frailty..was a creepy movie. I loved it. The ending was great. Rent it if you haven't seen it.

    Tinkerbell...I loved Memento. Also Blue Velvet. I want to see the new TCM. The old one was pretty good.

    Blondie, Mystic River is on my list too. I read the book. It was good.

    I want to see Once Upon a Time In Mexico. I loved Desperado. I love Antonio, and Johnny Depp.

    But I absolutely want to see Gothic, with Halle Berry. And Matrix-Revolution.

    Anyone seen Cold Creek Manor?

  • Tatiana

    luna...I loved The Others. Never expected the ending at all. Creepy without all the guts and gore. I love Nicole Kidman.


    My favs are :

    12 Monkeys

    Ed and his dead mother

    Donnie Darko

    And my alltime fav ........ TOP SECRET


    Jesus saves , NewworldSlacker withdraws

  • smack

    I must be a bit strange.

    I don't read reviews, I don't watch trailers, I don't talk to people about moofies.

    I just go to the cinema and pick one that is starting soon.

    I saw From Dusk Till Dawn and The Sixth Sense like that. How cool is that!

    Stuff like Star Wars, Towers and Harry Potter, well I've already read the books.


  • Athanasius

    The best film that I saw this year was "The Pianist."

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