New approach to ministry

by Mikejw 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mikejw
    If you "go long times having nothing to do with em" you will be considered inactive and will be soft-shunned.

    That used to be the case but Not anymore.

    There are some brought up in the congregation I think they were unbaptised publishers as youngsters, never got baptised then just carried on JWlite

    they come a few times a month or sometimes not for months

    we have lots like this, I hear it’s becoming the norm these days in many congregations

  • Phizzy

    I am sure you are right Mike, "soft shunning" is no more. In another Thread I say how I have received three visits in three weeks or so from J.W's who, now thinking about it, "soft Shunned" me for decades.

    We chatted on each visit in a normal non-JW way, no religion at all, but I guess all these people can still count their time now ?

    Back in my day, if you did not mention religious ideas at all you could not count the time !

    There is both a new approach to the ministry, and a new approach to those who have been out of the Org. for years, do they think they may sucker some back in ?

  • Mikejw

    There is no more counting time phizzy. There is hardly any ministry done either, these days it’s just talking to people about what they want to talk about.

    it’s as if we all should be proud that we managed to talk for a long time without bringing up the Bible. This is the new approach or the new light that some suggest came from the PR company we also notice a significant amount of mental issues these days.

    many believed it when were told there is not long left now, they pioneered with low incomes and no plans for retirement

    many sacrificed buying a house or getting a full time job, having children because it was frowned upon

    now they are bitter about those brothers who said those things as they are all proven to be charlatans

    the good news is the next generation of JWs are not pioneers and are getting educated and thinking about good jobs.

    many young ones are not even getting baptised after the new light

  • LongHairGal

    MIKE JW:

    I was a person who was judged back in the day because I worked full-time and was considered a ‘low hour publisher’.

    When I heard they did away with counting time in 2023, I was super-Glad to have paid no mind to the criticism I got! ..It turned out all these years later to be well worth it that I wasn’t invited to those special ‘gatherings’ and dinners!..

    This ‘next generation’ of JWs are wise to not pioneer and instead get educated so as to have good jobs.👍🏻 ..Otherwise, they will be like Witnesses now who have reached retirement age unprepared and asking struggling people in the congregation for money!

    You talk about mental issues there and I’m not surprised. I can imagine that there must be bitterness towards brothers who misled and gave bad advice. I’m very glad I got out of this religion years ago.

  • silentbuddha
    Where can one find the article / letter that discusses this new way of preaching
  • silentbuddha

    Anyone have info on where this new way is discussed

  • truthlover123

    Oh my, I am so disappointed. Each month I would get a text from an elder asking for my time and "how are you doing". Now, with the thumbs up click, no text even to say Hi, How are you?

  • Ron.W.

    That really reveals so much about the way this evil cult is run - thank you.

  • Mikejw

    Silentbuddah there have been lots of videos and the changed midweek meeting program is all about the new approach

    we even have 1 min parts now and a few 2 min parts so that as many bros and sis as possible can have parts on the meeting.

    some parts are literally just talking to people about unrelated stuff and not mentioning the Bible at all, and this is recommended well done you implemented the new approach

    also we had parts showing someone unhappy and asking questions about the blood issue or something else and the idea is to just walk away.

    Yes this was a recent assessment on the new school system

  • Magnum


    We've gone down from a 5 scripture 10 minute talk, to a 3 scripture 5 minute chat, then a 1 minute video, to now a 15 second happy smile.
    How is this going to teach anyone anything? Its not going to, of course.

    It sure isn't going to teach anybody anything. They actually weren't teaching well or giving a strong, fair warning with their previous methods, but this new method is far worse. Do they really think what they're doing now constitutes an appropriate, fair, just warning to an entire world about to be violently destroyed? I mean, damn, come on; we get better warnings for a flash flood or local tornado.

    Do they really think they are giving a Jericho-like shout??? JWdom is done and the leaders know it. They are just trying to keep the gig going. There's no way in Southern Baptist Hell they could think their new version of the ministry is fulfilling Mt 24:14 and that it suffices as a fair warning. People who are about to be eternally destroyed will have every right to look at JWs and say "Hey, dudes, you didn't say anything about this; you just told us which donut flavor you thought was best."


    Converts from the public are now totally a thing of the past, unless a J.W comes across the rare Gullible Fool!
    The Org. is in a downward spiral, thankfully.

    I strongly agree with both of those points. As I mentioned above, JWdom is done. It is simply in survival mode and the Great Leaders want to keep the gig going for selfish reasons. Their ministry should be getting louder, clearer, stronger as the end they foretell draws closer, yet the opposite is happening. What little ministry still exists is faint, puny, unclear. This, to me, is one of the biggest indicators that JWdom is not what it claims to be. I just don't comprehend how any still in cannot see it for what it is. I cannot fathom how my relatives can still be in and not see something majorly wrong.

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