Jesus with an iPad. Really?

by punkofnice 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    At a local meeting, one of the Elders said that if Jesus were on the Earth today 'you can be SURE' he would be preaching by showing videos on a tablet.

    I kid you not.

    I wonder what videos he'd be playing?

    Obviously this was the Elder's own pet theory. Wasn't it?

  • javierjiminy

    I'm going to guess he also thinks Jesus would have a shaved beard, be wearing his jw.borg pins, jw.borg tie, jw.borg suit and wear a rolex. Man, so many crazy people in the borg, it's like they drank too much from the koolaid and their heart pumps nothing but it.

  • punkofnice
    JJ - Jesus would have a shaved beard

    My thoughts exactly.

    Man, so many crazy people in the borg,

    I totally agree. The sane ones have all woken up.

  • floridaborn

    And if the HH has questions Jesus would direct them to jw.or because he wouldn’t be able to defend his faith.

  • scratchme1010
    Obviously this was the Elder's own pet theory. Wasn't it?

    I believe that. When he lived, he preached using the latest methodology available in his time. He'd have a very hard time talking to millennials without some kind of Twitter account. Not too far fetched. I'm with the JWs on that one.

  • mentalclarity

    Why would this be surprising from a JW elder? I mean, weren't the bible students famous for those recordings they used at the door? Seems like a natural progression of things to me (at least from a jw standpoint)

  • jwleaks

    Jesus with an iPad. Ha ha.

    Evidently Moses was the first servant of God to own a tablet, or two, which were capable of downloading data from the cloud.

  • stillin

    Oh, sure! Jesus will return as a very tech-savvy man!

    Doesn't the Bible say something about that?

  • careful


    When he lived, he preached using the latest methodology available in his time.

    Really? What latest methodology was that?

  • blownaway

    elders are douche nozzles

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