Would You Vote For Arnold Schwarzenegger, If You Could?

by minimus 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy

    The alegations are all crapola and are soo soo obvious. Davis is a really sick man and needs to

    GET OUT!

    Arnold can't act. Grey Davis can act, but he doesn't fool me. Not even a little bit.LOL!

    I Voted For Arnold. AFTER the allegations. Those sicko polititians have got to go! I wasn't real sure if I would vote for Arnold or not until those aligations POPPED up right on time. cough #%*$# gag.

    That pretty much settled it for me.

    We don't need no more stinking polititians!

  • minimus

    If Arnold wins BIG, then, all these things will just blow over.

  • Swan

    Whatever way the election goes, I sure am going to miss the entertainment value.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    Should we sell California to, say, Japan to finance ours?

    That has already been done.

    Arnold got my vote today!!!!

  • SpunkyChick

    Yes, I would vote for Arnold. All of us have done dumb shit in our lives..it's just stupid politics to bring it up at election time. I loved the interview with Arnold and Maria on Oprah.

  • xjw_b12

    Those accusations about Arnold groping women are totally overblown IMO

    I'm sure that was just Arnold "Pressing the Flesh" as they say in politics !

  • Naebliss

    I'd vote for Arnold. If my one vote meant that a Child molesting, kitten killing, woman beating, communist baby kicker lost the election instead.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I'd vote for Arnold. If my one vote meant that a Child molesting, kitten killing, woman beating, communist baby kicker lost the election instead.

    Oh, I see you've met Gray Davis.

  • Naebliss

    Yeah we met briefly at a fundraiser. I would have liked to get to talk to him more but I was distracted by Arnolds hands on my ass the entire night.

  • simplesally

    I registered to vote too late. I would have voted for him. I am so sick of more and more gov't programs, the new higher car tax and the surplus that turned into a deficit. And believe me, the power shortage sucked when we had to have brown-outs.

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