Would You Vote For Arnold Schwarzenegger, If You Could?

by minimus 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • greven

    Yes! Arnold for state government! Then while we are at it let's make Oprah president of the united states so she can have Dr Phil as president of health/care! Hurrah!


  • minimus

    Some consider Ronald Reagan, actor, governor and President of the United States to be one of the best to ever come out of California. Maybe Arnold has higher aspirations....GOOD LUCK, GOVERNOR SCHWAREZENEGGER!

  • Badger

    France sold Louisiana to the U.S. to finiance its war debt...

    Should we sell California to, say, Japan to finance ours?

  • BeautifulGarbage
    I don't think I need to remind you, that if you vote for Tom, you are voting for Davis or Bustamante. I do think that Tom would make an excellent governor, but he cannot and will not win. Do you really want to take a chance with Davis or Bustamante.

    No, I am voting for who I think is best for the job and I made no mention of who exactly I thought it was/is. And please don't attempt to brow beat me with my voting for one is voting for another. I'm a daughter of a former politician and know the games, and have been behind the scenes at campaigns.

    And the rumors of Arnold's creepy behavior have been floating around for years. Someone just finally made them public and didn't strike me as suprising. His public persona is one of being such a "nice" likable guy. I'm not one to be impressed by an individual's press, especially those most concerned with "image" i.e., Hollywood actors.

    Sacramento, right now, is polarized to nearly a standstill. Since it does look like Arnold is probably going to win, he needs to think less about what "he" plans to do (What is that exactly, anyway? Oh, yeah, he hasn't said yet, just that we "need" to do it) he better get his butt in gear and start soothing the bad feelings in the assembly and senate (the people that make and pass the laws). Until that is dealt with, all the terminator preening in the world won't get us out of this mess.

    And by the way......

    I voted for....

    Gary Coleman!

    Just kiddin..

  • Special K
    Special K

    Well, minimus.. as a Canadian. I just don't know what I'd do if I lived in California.

    Arnold has swept our Canadian T.V. as well as the American..with running for this election.

    You can't get away from the guy.

    Everytime you turn on the T.V. he is there.

    You go to pick up groceries. and his picture is plastered all over the check out tabloids and magazines.

    I would be so torn as to who to vote for if I lived in California..I can't even get a handle on the real issues from up here.

    I agree with alot of posters.. It would be nice to sift out all the mud and see what they felt about the real issues to Americans living in California.

    Oh and I noticed some mud being slung here under your topic.

    Good luck, California.

    special K

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    I agree this a power grap by the Repuplicans. What Repuplicans don't see is the bigger picture. This will only led to retalations from the Democrates, which is counter productive.


  • minimus

    Arnold is going to kick ass!!!

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Your right Ronald Reagan was an actor, just shows you any guy with half a brain can be president.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Who said, We have the governments we deserve? By the looks of it will be "Arnold" as the next California Governor. Give him 4 years to screw up and you will be trying to get rid of him to.


  • shamus

    I don't know what he stands for, and I don't know what the competition stands for, so I can't tell you. He could be good, could be bad. Who knows?

    I personally hate his movies... always have. Too stupid. It's good that he made his millions and got out of the movie business. It sucks to see lame actors trying to eek out a living looking like idiots. That being said, I would probably be the whore of Babylon if / when it came to money...

    Anyhoo, answer is I DON'T KNOW.

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