
by d0rkyd00d 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • d0rkyd00d

    Hi. As many may know, i'm still a teenager. I'm not willing to reveal my age, which is one less than 17 or one more than 15. But i just wanted to get your guys' opinion on sex before marriage. A lot of people here have kinda lost their "watchtower" and biblical standards as I have gathered. I'm starting to lose mine too. But whenever i think of that situation coming up, i think to myself, "No d0rkyd00d, it's just not right." I honestly don't know why i still feel guilt about this issue. I'm losing faith in the bible, and i no longer feel guilty about "self pleasure", like i was taught to as a witness. Whatcha guys think? I know this is kinda a touchy subject. But just need some opinions.

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

  • Deacon

  • TR


    I think it's nothing but smart to hold off from sex until marriage. Also, holding off from marriage until you're ready to support a wife and children. By ready, I mean financially and emotionally.

    Having sex when you're not ready is just asking for trouble. You know the dangers, and religion has nothing to do with it. What kind of "man" gets a girl pregnant, and creates a one parent family, and at your age, kids having kids is not too bright.

    Don't forget about the disease factor, either. Wouldn't it be better to wait until you've found a woman(and I do mean WOMAN, not girl)to be with as your partner? Don't be a man-whore, and don't hang with sluts, and you'll do pretty good.

    I think that I have very high moral and ethical standards, and at the same time I'm not religious, just conservative.


    "cults suck"

  • RedhorseWoman

    Okay....I'm old fashioned. I still think it's best to wait until marriage to have sex. However, I know that that is probably NOT going to happen. I have accepted the fact that my daughter has engaged in pre-marital sex, but I'm proud of her for taking responsibility for birth control, and also that she doesn't just have sex for the sake of having sex. She has had several partners in her 23 years, but each time has been a relatively long-term relationship.

    I feel that sex between two people shouldn't be just for pleasure for the sake of pleasure, but rather something special between two people who have strong feelings for each other. I also feel that along with sex comes responsibility. If you are not ready emotionally or financially to accept the responsibility of any children that might result, you should not be having sex.

  • jurs

    hi dork!!!
    i'm a mom so i have to say this. sex is great if you are old enough for the responsibilities (kids) and married. i was 15/16 (don't know for sure ) when i lost my virginity. I wasn't a JW at that time, by the way. it added no benefit to my life. quite the contrary. a guilty conscience for having had an abortion and many sleepless nights worring about aids. THANK GOD i don't have that!!!when i look back at it , i don't think i even really enjoyed it. it made me feel grown up. i thought if i had sex then eventually the guy would fall in love with me. Believe me , thats not the case!!i also remember it made me feel more sexy and superior to prudes. now i see how pathetic i was. it doesn't hurt to wait. go dance, kiss hold hands and date. be a kid and enjoy it!!! just don't try to grow up to soon...jurs

  • COMF


    if you are saying to yourself, "No d0rkyd00d, it's just not right," then, dOrkyd00d: it's just not right. Go ahead, trust your instinct. Do what feels right to you.


  • Scorpion

    Good advice TR.

  • Mulan

    Your instincts are right. You aren't ready. I think 16 is toooooo young for sex. The body is ready, but your emotions are NOT. While I doubt if I would ever marry anyone I hadn't had sex with, I am not in that situation, having been happily married for a long time. Until you are of an age to marry, and have found that special person, don't do it.

  • logical

    Babies, nappies, no sleep, no money... ah... sounds like heaven.

    If you think you are ready to have children, then shag away at your own leisure, if not, use a condom. (or get her to use something)
    and remember Ecclesiastes (not while you are shagging, but if that turns you on, what the heck) Ecclesiastes 11:9

    Thats if you cant be bothered to wait until marriage.

    The oldies do have the right idea, fist comes love, then comes marriage, then comes daddy with a baby carriage

  • JWD

    I waited until I was married.I was 23. My wife was 28 and she waited
    as well. We`ve been married for 18 years. Have a great marriage,
    three great kids and a great sex life. The big word for me is TRUST.
    When you know that you and your wife practiced self-discipline before
    marriage, you know there`s a good chance you will continue to after
    marriage.Thus, you don`t waste energy doubting what the other person
    might be doing when you`re away from each other. Then there`s the
    `What will I tell my kids?` issue. I`m glad I can tell them that we
    waited.It gives a lot of moral authority to your advice as a parent.
    Hang in there. Just beacuse the WT is full of crap,doesn`t mean that
    all there teaching is absolutely wrong.Don`t throw out the baby with
    the bath.There is a sense in which former JWs who toss out all moral
    standards `fulfill the WT prophecy` that people who leave the org.
    invariably become `immoral`.I`d rather not give them the satisfaction
    of being able to say that. JWD

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