Would I be disfellowshiped for this?

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i resigned--verbally--to the 3 committee members who had asked me to attend to answer to some nonsense they had heard. After that i attended occasional meetings to keep er indoors happy,--purely as an unopposed husband--not a member of the congregation. This was in the early 70's

    In 1980 i had an affair with one of the sisters--she was d/f for it--but apparently it was announced at the same time that i could not be disfellowshipped as i wasnt a jw. But i was now considered to be an apostate--and to be treated as if d/f.

    Suited me fine--although er indoors divorced me. Win win all round i thought.

  • slimboyfat

    ExBethelitenowPIMA - I did that in almost exactly those words and I wasn’t disfellowshipped at the time. Other situations may vary! Lots of other factors involved such as your existing relationship with the elders, the congregation, whether they think you’re important enough to be a threat (I wasn’t) and more …

  • peacefulpete
    Disentangle yourself for a moment. Ask, who are you, what's important to you? Formulate a strategy to accomplish that to the extent you can. Know there are variables beyond your control. Be at peace.
  • titch

    That's interesting what Vidiot stated, that merely thinking that the Governing Body is wrong about something technically constitutes apostasy. So then, how would anyone know that you were thinking that way, unless you expressed that idea to someone else, either verbally or in writing? Thus, the two rules expressed by Hoser. Best Regards, everyone.---Titch

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    The question is what if you tell one elder in confidence that you think the GB are wrong

    m but tell him do not tell anyone else and that you will not tell anyone else

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA
    Sea Breezea day ago

    The elders found a pasta c in my pantry.

    They showed no mercy


    what is pasta c?

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    I have tested this theory out on a few elders and some even agreed with me.

    I recommend anyone else still physically in try it this way.

    making excuses saying the GB are still imperfect men and even they get things wrong sometimes. Poor old brothers trying to make the right choices and what a huge responsibility they have.

    Yes it seems now they made a mistake pushing the covid vaccines so much but you can understand why they did it, they believed what the politicians were saying. It’s not the GB fault, it’s the fault of the politicians.

    just because the GB made a mistake on this vaccine issue doesn’t mean they are not divinely inspired. Jehovah let’s them make mistakes from time to time, we must not go thinking they are the evil slave just for making this mistake and yes millions of bros and sisters have damaged their health now by following direction but don’t forget the big A is just around the corner.

    soon the GB will U turn on the vaccines so everyone doesn’t have to keep taking the boosters and then let’s just forget about this mistake next time they give direction we don’t agree with

  • Phizzy
    ExBethelitenowPIMAan hour ago

    "I have tested this theory out on a few elders and some even agreed with me."

    Do you mean you have told several Elders you disagree with the GB, snd think they will respect your telling them in confidence ? The word naive comes to mind.

  • enoughisenough

    ExBethelitenowPIMA How can you write the GB made a mistake about the vxx? It wasn't a mistake, it was deliberate and still going even though evidence continues to come in as to the harm of that poison! Our CO told the assembly that if we had faith in Jehovah, we would have faith in the GB and we would OBEY and take the vxx. They put in a WT study ( I think July of 22 issue ) that Jesus directed them as to c19 protection. What are you doing here if you are going to defend the GB? There is plenty of evidence if you look under a few rocks to come to understand the whole organization is a front for those that want to control the world. The GB are their puppets. As to your original question, keep on playing out that scenario and see! A good company man (aka toothless lion) will try to snatch you from the fire and when he can't do it alone, he will enlist others to help correct your thinking. So you have to feign correction or out the door! I have been the object of elders calling in an order to entrap me so they would have evidence to get rid of me-so yes, be aware of sheparding calls.

  • Rattigan350

    What would happen if you just tell the elders "Why would I care what the circuit overseer or Watchtower or governing body or apostles say?"

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