Annoying double standard...

by Aztec 41 Replies latest social entertainment

  • IronGland

    OBERLIN, OH?According to a study released Monday, women?once empowered primarily via the assertion of reproductive rights or workplace equality with men?are now empowered by virtually everything the typical woman does.

    "From what she eats for breakfast to the way she cleans her home, today's woman lives in a state of near-constant empowerment," said Barbara Klein, professor of women's studies at Oberlin College and director of the study. "As recently as 15 years ago, a woman could only feel empowered by advancing in a male-dominated work world, asserting her own sexual wants and needs, or pushing for a stronger voice in politics. Today, a woman can empower herself through actions as seemingly inconsequential as driving her children to soccer practice or watching the Oxygen network."

    Klein said that clothes-shopping, once considered a mundane act with few sociopolitical implications, is now a bold feminist statement.

    "Shopping for shoes has emerged as a powerful means by which women assert their autonomy," Klein said. "Owning and wearing dozens of pairs of shoes is a compelling way for a woman to announce that she is strong and independent, and can shoe herself without the help of a man. She's saying, 'Look out, male-dominated world, here comes me and my shoes.'"

    Eating energy bars specially fortified with nutrients "for women" has become a feminist trend, as well.

    "Unlike traditional, phallocentric energy bars, whose chocolate, soy protein, nuts, and granola ignored the special health and nutritional needs of women, their new, female-oriented counterparts like Luna are ideally balanced with a more suitable amount of chocolate, soy protein, nuts, and granola," Klein said. "Proto-feminist pioneers like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony could never have imagined that female empowerment would one day come in bar form."

    Whereas early feminists campaigned tirelessly for improved health care and safe, legal access to abortion, often against a backdrop of public indifference or hostility, today's feminist asserts control over her biological destiny by wearing a baby-doll T-shirt with the word "Hoochie" spelled in glitter.

    "Don't tell this bitch what to do," said Kari Eastley, 24, a participant in the Oberlin study and, according to one of her T-shirts, a "Slut Goddess." "I wear what I want when I want, and no man is going to tell me otherwise. We're talking Pussy Power, baby."

    Other acts of empowerment include gossiping about the sexual proclivities of male acquaintances, lunching with other women in small groups, taking calcium-rich antacid tablets, and reading The Nanny Diaries.

    The study also cites the act of pumping one's raised fist in a gesture of female solidarity against the oppressive forces of air pressure.

    "Nearly 90 percent of study participants have done this at least once in their lives, often accompanying their action with the exhortation 'You go, girl!' or, simply, 'Whooooooo!'" Klein said.

    Perhaps most remarkably, the mere act of weight gain is now regarded as a feminist act. Though some women express reservations about the negative impact of obesity on one's health, overweight women display a level of assertiveness, or "sassitude," that thinner women lack.

    "Women who proclaim themselves 'large and in charge' refuse to be bound by traditional notions of beauty and health," said Carla Willets, a Vassar College women's-studies professor. "They love themselves for who they are, something no 'normal-sized' woman could possibly do."

    "Of course, women can be empowered by losing weight, too," Willets added. "Pretty much any change in weight?up or down?is empowering."

    Klein said empowerment is now accessible to women who were long excluded.

    "Not every woman can become a physicist or lobby to stop a foundry from dumping dangerous metals into the creek her children swim in," Klein said. "Although these actions are incredible, they marginalize the majority of women who are unable to, or just don't particularly care to, achieve such things. Fortunately for the less impressive among us, a new strain of feminism has emerged in which mundane activities are championed as proud, bold assertions of independence from oppressive patriarchal hegemony."

    Long Beach, CA, resident Jeanne Bradley was recently given a special commendation by the city of Los Angeles for regularly attending WNBA games.

    "From midnight cheesecake noshers to moms who don't fool around with pain, feminist achievement covers a broad spectrum," said Bradley in her acceptance speech. "It is great to be a female athlete, senator, or physician. But we must not overlook the homemaker who uses a mop equipped with convenient, throwaway towelettes, the college co-ed who chooses to abstain from sex, and the college co-ed who chooses to have a lot of sex. Only by lauding every single thing a woman does, no matter how ordinary, can you truly go, girls."

  • Simon

    Beauty and Brains have no connection whatsoever as far as I can tell.

    • Beatiful people can be intelligent.
    • Beautiful people can be dumb.
    • Ugly people can be intelligent.
    • Ugly people can be dumb (tough break)

    As for double standards in what men and women like ... it's well known that men are more 'visual' and we go for looks. Live with it. If women want to buy records from ugly guys it's not our fault !

    I think intelligence does make people more attractive.

  • primitivegenius

    ok check it........... JEWEL............ when she first came around she was very different and IMHO a fresh singer who was cute and had a very nice voice. she had lyrics that were entertaining and actually meant something. completely unlike OOPS I DID IT AGAIN lol which is drivel at its suggary popish height. now what have they done to her tho................ her music i still like but they turned her from a lady that i admired for intellectual songs and being different to a christina wanna be. people keep saying what a tremendous makeover she had........ unfortunately i think its in the wrong direction lol but i bet she sells more cds now than she did before on her own merits. i just hope it was her own choice and not some blood sucking record exec pimping her bottom for a better bottomline.

  • bikerchic

    Oh yeah Azzie.............SPONGEBOB RULES!!!!

    Ohhhhhh baby check out those sexy legs! Wooohooo! And what a bod!

    Kate, the idea of me ever buying any of those pop albums is pretty laughable! I'm someone who was buying Dead Kennedy albums at the age of 12. My parents raised me on Janis Joplin, the Who and Donovan. I always choose substance over style. I just don't know why everyone else doesn't...LOL!

    Now yer talkin' my kind of music........imagine Janis strutting around stage in daisy dukes! LOL Humm it is all about the voice eh? Side note Donovan lived nearby me and I've seen him several times, I grew up listening to him too. He faded from the music biz and became very active in civil activities also his kids went to school with mine, just a ordinary guy. Hummm maybe it's all about the voice.......I didn't really care for his style, but he was hip at the time. LOL Gawd I'm soooooooo old!

    Kate (who has a figure more like SpongeBob)Visit Smiley Central!

  • Valis

    Perhaps when women stop buying the clothing, shoes, makeup, accessories, etc they see the models/stars wearing then these things will change, but this is about as likely as hot pop star chicks missing their two front teeth.

    BTW, bikerchic, I think Janis would have looked just fine in some daisy dukes and lemme tell you. I've been tot he Joplin family reunion in East Texas....knowing them such a thing would have been entirely possible...*LOL* Nice folks...nice enought to bail me out of jail even...*LOL*


    District Overbeer of the doing the "new computer happy dance"...class

  • DanTheMan
    10 yr old girls are now dieting , being targeted by makeup advertisers and clothing companies who make clothes that say Playboy, toy etc.

    yay capitalism.

    MTV "jumped the shark" ages ago. I never watch it. The only thing worse is BET.

  • SixofNine

    LOL @ Ironglands article.

    "From midnight cheesecake noshers to moms who don't fool around with pain, feminist achievement covers a broad spectrum," said Bradley in her acceptance speech. "It is great to be a female athlete, senator, or physician. But we must not overlook the homemaker who uses a mop equipped with convenient, throwaway towelettes, the college co-ed who chooses to abstain from sex, and the college co-ed who chooses to have a lot of sex. Only by lauding every single thing a woman does, no matter how ordinary, can you truly go, girls."
  • wednesday

    It has always been this way and most likely will continue. It is not fair but it is a mans world. Look at news anchors. The men can be 80+ and butt ugly, but the woman has an expiration date on her of mid 40's. After that, face lifts and other major things must be done. Barbara Waltes is probably around 60 but u know she has had a lot of cosmetic stuff down.

    remember Rachel and Leah? Leah was less attractive and "dull of eyes". even God's word holds out beauty as of value in a woman. Brains are also nice, but beauty first.

    I never look at really pretty men. Brains are for me.

  • IronGland
  • Aztec

    Okay Iron Gland, that article was hilarious!

    Yes Dan, MTV sucks! I almost never watch it but occansionally I like to see what's out there. Maybe if there were more male nudity to balance it out I would find it less frustrating.

    Kate, Janis was one of my heroes growing up! Her and Bessie Smith, Joni Mitchell, Mae West...btw, youth is a state of mind.

    ~Aztec *eats a nacho as a feminist statement*

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