Annoying double standard...

by Aztec 41 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Panda

    Last year I had to choose a model for advertising a games company. When we got down to 3 beautiful ladies I was told .. pick one. The model I chose had a very young fresh face and great body. She's adorable and bubbly to me and guys seem to think she's "HOT."

    I've often found that some of the most beautiful and sexy young women are also the ones with the biggest self esteem issues. They are so afraid of one little thing being wrong, or coming out wrong in photos. And I must admit to being part of the problem because I choose what sells and sex sells.

    I've also noted what it takes for these women to keep that toned body; the excercise and dieting, so when Christina or Britney get snarly I figure they have a good reason..they may be hungry, pms-ing, recovering from plastic surgery, in pain from working out, sore throat from belting out or in a general malaise.

    I think it is very selfish to get turned on by these young women and not realise what they go through to maintain the LOOK. 10 yr old girls are now dieting , being targeted by makeup advertisers and clothing companies who make clothes that say Playboy, toy etc. Most of these children are at an age of easy mind washing. They see and they want. But it starts even younger when their parents have them learning "the moves" from music videos.

    Double standard... you bettcha. But you can't just blame men.

  • bikerchic
    I'm sick of watching Beyonce writhe and Christina strut around half naked. C'mon they both have great voices!

    my .02 worth..........c'mon SEX SELLS! I'm sure Beyonce and Christina and other's like them are laughing all the way to the bank, and spending their money as fast as they can. Law of adverages or common sense, they like the rest of us will age, put on weight and be yesterdays forgotten "hotties". It's happened to so many in the entertainment business. Glory fades with age and pounds. Yep SEX SELLS!

    If you really hate that crap don't buy their music, hit 'em in the pocketbook!

    KateVisit Smiley Central!

  • Gadget

    "I'm reasonably cute"

    Has it not got smething to do with the record producers? If you get a male producer, their going to give a lot of attention to a good looking woman, so they will get the contracts. If its a male singer in front of them they may not be attracted to him and so pay more attention to his voice.

  • drwtsn32
    Beauty hardly ever matches brains.

    StinkyPantz and Aztec being the most notable exceptions, of course!

  • BeautifulGarbage
    Beauty hardly ever matches brains

    Whada load of manure!

  • Aztec

    Okay Fizz Doc, I love ya!

    Kate, the idea of me ever buying any of those pop albums is pretty laughable! I'm someone who was buying Dead Kennedy albums at the age of 12. My parents raised me on Janis Joplin, the Who and Donovan. I always choose substance over style. I just don't know why everyone else doesn't...LOL!

    Integ, OMG...LOL! Aretha does have a nice juicy ass...

    Alan, cause! It's annoying and I think it degrades the rest of us. I can't believe how conservative I sound right now....

    Thank you for the replies. It wasn't just the women singers who were bothering me. I saw a few hip hop videos where the men are fully dressed and women are walking around with their butts literally hanging out. I guess I was just wondering, same old question, do men actually see us as sentient beings? Are we just breathing, poseable characatures of tv stereotypes? Is that how men view us? I'm not trying to blame all of this on men! Women are just as guilty of holding eachother to these impossible standards.

    I think I'm just gonna go watch least that show has positive female role models for my son to admire.


  • AlanF

    Aztec said:

    : I can't believe how conservative I sound right now....

    Age creeps up on the youngest of us.

    : I saw a few hip hop videos where the men are fully dressed and women are walking around with their butts literally hanging out.

    Really! Which ones?

    : I guess I was just wondering, same old question, do men actually see us as sentient beings?

    Sure. Just ones whose butts and other things are hanging out.

    : Are we just breathing, poseable characatures of tv stereotypes?

    Not 'just'!

    : Is that how men view us?

    Depends on the situation and which ones you're talking about.

    : I'm not trying to blame all of this on men!

    You should. Since men are smarter than women they should get all the blame.

    : Women are just as guilty of holding each other to these impossible standards.

    But only because they've been brainwashed by dastardly men who only see them as playthings.

    Just kidding.


  • Aztec

    Fine Alan, mock my frustration. You're such a brat.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I have a friend that's a junior in college, she's majoring in music. She is talented like you'll never believe. What a voice. She's bright, hard working and finishes everything she starts. She is very very cute but short and flat chested and has less than perfect teeth. The chances of her making it in the bigtime is really slim. I wish you could hear her voice, you'd run out to buy her CD. Well, when she cuts one.

    On the other hand (sounding conceited here) I am fairly tall, slender with a nice shape. When she and I go anywhere I get noticed much more than she does. I also have no talent at all. Zero. People don't let me finish singing happy birthday. It takes too long and it hurts. She is confident and that's great. But I know if she looked like say, Faith Hill, she'd make it easy.

    The only way to make a difference is for women to purchase some CD's. But instead silly little 13 year old girls all rush out to buy from Britney and the others. Gotta be hot to be good, right?

  • IronGland
    I just wish we could see women projecting themselves a bit more intellectually in the media.

    MTV is not a good place to look for intellect.

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