Annoying double standard...

by Aztec 41 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Abaddon

    "C'mon they both have great voices!" They DO??!! Try living with someone learning to sing clasical music at Conservatory; what passes as a "good voice" in contemporary music is NOT a good voice in other areas of music. Most contemporary singers are poorly trained, some don't even have that much talent as it is. Effectively, some of the people you refer to only have a careers because they were lucky, and there's a big market for writhing around naked. A willingness to do it and good genes from your parents, and a lot of luck, and you're away. Personally I would quite happily writhe naked in return for large sums of money, but I doubt it will ever happen. Even if in one hundred years time there is virtually total equality in the developed world at that point (equal numbers of professionals, educators, judicial and political people of either sex), I doubt very much if young ladies will go to a club to shove 5 Euro bills in the thing of a man, whereas guys will still want to do the same to a woman if she gives them the opportunity.

  • Happythoughts

    I get so annoyed by it too.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli
    "Try living with someone learning to sing clasical music at Conservatory; what passes as a "good voice" in contemporary music is NOT a good voice in other areas of music. Most contemporary singers are poorly trained, some don't even have that much talent as it is."

    Exactly right! Many of the pop/country singers have weak, almost pitiful voices.

    In the "looks" department not all of the ladies are "babes" - take the Judd girl for example. A. Franklin and many other black "soul" singers; all large, in some cases huge gals that have a big following.

  • AlanF

    What's wrong with double standards, Aztec?

    Hey Abaddon, Christina Aguilera actually does have a pretty good voice. Last year my daughter played some of her older music for me, where she sang some relatively traditional stuff. The kid has real singing talent in my opinion. Too bad she's prostituted herself to the promoters.


  • tyydyy

    What they may lack in pure talent, they make up for in their ability to entertain. If you'd rather sit in a quiet stuffy conservatory and listen to pure vocal virtuosos, feel free. I think the majority of men and women in this world would rather see Britney strip and shake while singing Ooops I did it again. That should be evident by her sales.

    By the way it's not the men who are buying Britney's records. The music industry is now a visual business. I don't know any woman who likes to watch Alanis Morissette sing. Hear? Yes. See? No.


  • 95stormfront

    And Alanis Morrisette has a lot more singing ability than Britney Spears....IMHO

  • frenchbabyface

    OH MAN !!! (Listen or maybe should I say watch what you want) BUT don't spit on ALANIS MAURICETTE !!! PLEASE ...

  • integ

    Patsy Cline= Ugly

    ..It's weird...That's the only one I can think of at the moment.....Oh wait....Janis Joplin was not too hot either. Wait...Patti Smith too. Aretha Franklin is obese, but has a nice juicy ass.


  • obiwan

    Hmmm, what's that saying.....double your pleasure, double your fun?

  • Hamas

    Beauty hardly ever matches brains.

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