Happiness and Freedom On A Paradise Earth?

by Disassociated Lady 2 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Worldling9

    Yikes, they have so many conflicting ideas about this...and where in their Bible are ANY of them?!!

  • Carol1111

    Thanks LifesNotOver and blondie for your time and detailed explanation. I can understand why you would not want go through all that with householders.

    There are clearly a lot of areas which are avoided in discussions at the door unless the householder understands the doctrine and presses for more details.

  • smiddy

    And where in the Bible does it say that their will be a paradise earth ? that humans will inhabit ? either now or in the future ? Show us a scripture that says that .

  • OrphanCrow
    2+2: If the GB and elders are going to have control for 1000 years, the world will be a dangerous place for children with the amount of pedophiles getting around.

    And don't forget about Peter Sutcliffe and Rose West wandering around. Along with all the other murderers and rapists that the JWs are grooming in the prison systems

  • Mephis

    Amuses me that even their own doctrine has it that, after 1000 years of their ideal paradise, most of the people left alive decide they'd rather have Satan back in charge.

  • Vidiot

    Worldling9 - "...they have so many conflicting ideas about this... and where in their Bible are ANY of them?!!."

    Nowhere... which is, in part, why they conflict... :smirk:

  • Vidiot

    Mephis - "Amuses me that even their own doctrine has it that, after 1000 years of their ideal paradise, most of the people left alive decide they'd rather have Satan back in charge."


    How's that for another "Bible secret" hidden in plain sight? :smirk:

  • redvip2000

    hmm, i'm play the devil's advocate here, but if I was given a chance to live forever in the paradise that JWs aspire to have, i would take it.

    Even without all the great things we have today that make lives great, i would take it. I find no upside with not existing. i would put up with JWism rules and other negative things in this new world, if i could just exist and have thoughts, be able to exercise and travel, be able enjoy food and wine. I really would take it.

  • Vidiot

    @ redvip2000...

    What makes you think you'd be allowed to have your own thoughts, exercise and travel, and enjoy good food and wine?

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