ok i am leaving him

by orbison11 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • berylblue


    You are courageous....due to WT policies, I did not leave my abusive first husband; he left me stating it was too much of a stigma to be married to a JW.

    PM me if you need anything; I know we live a great distance apart but if you just want to talk, I'm here. Well not today, I'm going to be on the road in a minute or so.

  • Country_Woman


    It's hard to do, but eventually you are so much gaining that it is worth every loss on short notice.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    ((((WENDY)))) .....*things* can be replaced.....and freedom is worth more than "things"....I've lost so much time and time again in my efforts to gain freedom....from a bad marriage....from bad employment....from a bad religion....starting over is a "cakewalk" compared to remaining stagnant in a hopeless situation....

    Love ya, sweetie! You can DO it! You GO, GIRL!!!

    Frannie B

  • arrowstar


    You have the courage. You have the strength. You have us for support. This will not be easy...but, hon...it's going to be worth every minute of it when it's all said and done.

    I am so proud of you. You can do this!!


  • drwtsn32

    orbison11: I admire your strength and wish you the best!

  • Hamas

    Go girl.

  • SixofNine

    (((orbison)))) I don't know your situation, but I wish you strength and happiness and peace.

  • Flowerpetal

    orbison, I don't know you but want sixofnine said...

  • oldcrowwoman


    Yes I am a survivor of domestic abuse. And to acknowledge the upheaval and choas living in that environment that you are experiencing.

    I support you in taking care of yourself. I don't know whats in your area for support. If theirs battered womens advocate and housing.

    With the help of the Battered woman's advocate I aquired attorney. Was encourage to call the police no matter if their were no charges. It was documented for future court hearing. Document all his inappropriate behaviors.

    If in a immediate danger find a safe place or having one set up for yourself.

    My saving grace I was in therapy and a women's support group dealing with abusive relationships.

    To let you know I am with you in spirit. And I am burning a red candle for courage and strength.

    You are always welcome to PM me.

    All the Best,

    Old Crow

    The gift I give you as a woman is that you are whole right now and you have your own answers .

  • worldlygirl

    Wendy, take care honey. I'm going through a divorce right now... I know how you feel. Believe me, the old saying is true... every day the pain will be less and less, until finally you won't feel pain anymore.



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