She works hard for the money

by Sadie5 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sadie5

    Well folks, I am officially a "Wal-Mart Associate". My job is answering the phone and straighting up the racks in Ladies clothing. I work afternoon-evening, and it hasn't been too bad.

    I had to watch several tapes of Sam Walton cheering on his associates as well as other tapes about proctecting your back, carding for tobacco and so on. I also had to take computer tests on various subjects. I've done good on those getting 95 or 100 on most of them, my lowest was 80 on handling chemicals(best stay away from them) I should finish the tests up today, it's on merchandise in my department.

    They seem to have their own language. I didn't know what my trainer was talking about at first when she said we were going to straighten up the clothing. She said we're going to "zone" now.

    The break room and other employee areas are filled with quotes of Mr. Sam's. the biggest portion of our handbook is about Mr. Sam. I do admit I've always admired the guy, he was an ordinary guy that built a retail empire. I just think he is almost idolized now.

    I have one day (Friday) which I'll have to work the day. My trainer(who I am replacing) said it was a killer, working to 9:00 Thursday night and then having to be to work at 7:00 am Friday morning. But other than that it an easy job. My fellow associate are friendly, there is a lot of new ones too.

    Right now I'm part time(no benefits) but let them know I'm interested in full time. they evaluate and give raises after 90 days.

    thanks for all your well wishes.


  • frenchbabyface

    Well Saddie everything seems to take place little by little, and the most important you seems to be happy with it, and you can go further, further, further ... give your best ... and BEST WISHES SADDIE ... CONGRATS AGAIN !!!

  • bittersweet

    Congrats on the job Sadie have you done the WalMart cheer yet?

  • xjw_b12

    Congratulations Sadie. Good for you. Hopefully full time will come shortly.

    Here's a funny stunt to pull at a Walmart, or any dept. store with change rooms for that matter.

    Pick a change room, that is in the middle.

    Wait for another customer to enter an adjoining change room.

    After about a minute or so, Grumble out in a loud voice...." Oh for Pity's Sake! ".

    Then reach your hand under the dividing wall, and say to the person next door....."It seems this one is all out, can you hand me some spare toilet paper ? "

  • blondie

    Congrats, Sadie5.


  • Zoewrex

    Sadie5 - Great Job! Do you think you would be interested in a full time position? I don't know much about Mr. Sam, but was told he was great at what he did.

  • Matty

    Well done Sadie, I guess if you can't beat 'em you'd better join 'em!

    Matty (Who shops at Walmart all the time (Asda in the UK) but still calls them the evil empire )

  • Aztec

    Congrats and much luck to you Sadie! I used to do the retail thing and I liked it. It didn't pay great and the hours were a bit crazy at times but the constant activity was good for my hyper nature and I learned alot about dealing with all kinds of social situations. I hope you enjoy it!


  • Yerusalyim


  • Flowerpetal


    The break room and other employee areas are filled with quotes of Mr. Sam's. the biggest portion of our handbook is about Mr. Sam. I do admit I've always admired the guy, he was an ordinary guy that built a retail empire. I just think he is almost idolized now.

    From what I have heard, the same attitude was displayed toward Mary K.

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