Young JW's, What would it take for you to come back?

by Spudinator 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spudinator

    This question is for the "younger" JW's, and Ex-JW's that post here, say in their teens to mid-twenties. Please consider the main question, and try to answer the A, B, and C segments if applicable.

    What would it take for you to come back into the JW fold?
    A. Organizational changes?
    B. Personal changes?
    C. Family Changes?

    Thank you in advance for your replies.

  • Elsewhere

    One must first ask the question... why would I want to affiliate myself with a book publishing corporation that pretends to be a religion for the tax break?

    Of what benefit is it to me?

  • xjw_b12

    Spudy. Any reason you are just directing the Q to the young ones?

  • Spudinator

    So I take it that your answer is at least a partial A?

  • Spudinator


    To answer your question, it is because of my own family's experiences with this issue. Just trying to understand the other side of the issues.

  • Elsewhere

    No... first I need to know why I would even want to affiliate myself with the WTS.

    I see no benefits what so ever. What do they have to offer me, and at what cost?

  • Nosferatu

    I can't answer that question because I don't believe a thing that they teach. If they truly taught skills that are needed to survive in the world rather than blocking it out, I might be interested. Of course that would never happen.

    In other words, I would never return no matter if they got rid of disfellowshipping, blood doctrine, armageddon, etc. There's too much that I don't agree with.

  • Spudinator

    Maybe we should add:

    D. Won't ever happen.

    Thanks for your participation.

  • Euphemism

    I dunno. This is kind of like asking someone after their divorce: what would it take for you to go back to your ex?

    A few months ago, I might have said that if they let up on the control issues--you can read what you want, you can watch what you want, you can talk about what you want, you don't have to go out in field service or make every meeting--then I would think about staying.

    But at this point, there's no reason at all for me to go back. The connection is severed. I don't even believe in the Bible anymore. Why would I go back?

  • ikhandi

    Nothing would get me to go back to that lifestyle. Those people really irritate me.

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