Who doesn't follow the "politics" and feuds on this board?

by berylblue 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz

    So what if I like to be in the midst of them? Fluffy stuff isn't as interesting honestly.

  • LeslieV

    Personally I have had enough judgment and condemnation to last a lifetime. I certainly do not need to get involved here. Although I will say sometimes I do read it.


  • teenyuck

    I not only follow the politics, I get involved, get called names, *usually* don't call names back, push buttons, get my buttons pushed, follow the feuds (I'll tell you all about them for free....) and can tell you who dislikes who from about two years ago.

    That's why I love this board.

  • Special K
    Special K


    most time a silent Observer..

    If it's my kids in a feud.. I am forced to involve myself..

    If its on here.. I don't have to involve myself.. but read as silent observer.

    or sometimes now I just skip that topic and thread.. because I DON"T HAVE TIME!!

    special k

  • xjw_b12

    Here's my take on this, not that anybody gives a s^%t.

    Political threads: Why bother? It it really going to matter 2-3 years down the road ?

    Flame wars / Feuds:

    I usually try to interject a little humour into them, in the hope they would settle down before they get locked or deleted.

    But I have come to realize that the "bag of wind" posters that are flaming back and forth, don't "see" anybody else's posts, except for the poster they are arguing discussing with. It's like they have their own mental "ignore" button on.

    And these "bag of wind" posters remind me of elders.

    You know the type I'm talking about. The ones in the congreagation who were so up on themselves, full of self- importance. They knew it all, and you had damn well better listen to them and their opinions, because god damn it, they were elders, and they were dispensing the instruction of Jehovah himself.

    It didn't mattter whether they were giving a talk, talking to a householder, or giving you counsel. It was always the same. blah, blah, blah, blah, I'm right, blah, blah, you're wrong, blah blah, are you understanding this, blah, blah, show humility, blah blah.

    Sorry people, that ball and chain of obnoxiousness, is still attached. You many not be elders "there" but you sure act like elders here.

  • waiting

    Politics? Not really.

    He said/she said/they said? Not really.

    If someone is dumping on someone and one side is delivering really low blows (and I know the posters involved) yeah - but not as much as I used to. It doesn't happen as much as it used to either, imho.

    I've really tried hard to stay away from the flames. Old age & sorriness?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Good comment Bliss.

    Guest 77

  • Carmel

    Never involve myself in a feud..well, old "Leather Face" may not agree, but then, she's about as close to being and "Arkie" and anyone I know..

    Waht say you old ridge runner?


  • happyout

    I stay away from most politics, simply because a lot of time I don't think I'm educated enough on the topic. I can't quote history, statistics, etc, I can only state my thoughts and feelings.

    There are some threads that start out really interesting, then turn into insults and name calling. I can't remember calling anyone names (aside from hypocrite, which I think is more of a description), but I sometimes stay in those discussions longer than I should. I realize it's seldom that a person changes their mind ( I haven't yet because of a thread), but I enjoy trying to understand another person's point of view.

    There are some people I have learned I must ignore, as they are incapable of disagreeing without resorting to childish name calling and insults. They usually do this when they want others to accept their opinion as a fact.

    I don't read a lot of fluff stuff, but I read some.


  • Valis

    I'm the same... I totally miss the politics and subtle conflicts between users.

    Dude, now that is funny! *LOL*


    District Overbeer

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