Who doesn't follow the "politics" and feuds on this board?

by berylblue 63 Replies latest jw friends


    Me............................I had enough of that when I was in the borg. All the big fish in little ponds, with a superiority complex!

    It would be nice if people were free to express THEIR feelings and opinions on this forum without fear of being ridiculed, humiliated, or picked to pieces.

    Not everyone who posts here has the time or knowledge to split hairs, nit pick or argue every point presented. That doesn't make them stupid or ignorant.

    God................the whole politics and clique thing is the borg all over again. Does every question have to have one correct answer? Do personal beliefs have to be understood and agreed upon by everyone? Does every discussion have to have one person's opinion as final say? Is everything divided into 2 groups.......right/wrong?

    If people feel afraid to express THEIR opinions and feelings on this forum because some self-professed know-alls, professional arguers get off intimidating them.................people will leave!

    I reply to things that interest me, to share, to express (unlike being in the WT) and I always try to be considerate of others.I don't care to get into the 'politics'. But some are able to make an argument out of any comment.

    Kindness, consideration, love and respect..................despite difference in opinions! That's what people need here.

    Cheers, Bliss...............is....................ignorance!

  • onacruse

    Bliss, very well said, indeed.



    Ditto Craig, re: BLISSISIGNORANCE post.

    BANG ON!

  • SYN

    I really don't enjoy watching people fight. It's boring.

    Gimme a good pizza topping through any day over a flame thread!


    passes a slice to SYN

  • sens
    Not interested, really, I have a life.

    Yer it doesnt interest me either Tal...

  • blackout

    I dont I'm just here for the inane fluff and self validation, I have no real valid imput and in fact no one seems to even notice I exist, except Rayzorblade cause I stirred him up.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    TS, pushed the right button, WASTED ENERGY!!!!!

    Guest 77

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    When you hate everyone, politics doesn't even enter into the equation.

    cheeses - who almost likes everyone.

  • greven

    I avoid those flamewars and politics like the plague. They are timeconsuming and frustrating. Avoiding them helps me to approach people 'fresh' without an entire truckload of squables that are history anyway and didn't effect me.


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