Poll - What kind of Ancient People are YOU???

by LittleToe 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek

    To believe in Christ, the Jews asked for a powerful sign, before they would believe.
    To believe in Christ, the Greeks appealed to logic and wisdom, before they would believe.
    To believe in Christ, the Christians simply believed, and treated it as a personal calling.


    If the claim was about anything other than Christ, which would you be?

  • bebu
    I must be a Hellenized Jew for Jesus.

    Me too. 1, 2, and 3. I think all parts of these things: signs, logic, and faith are fairly important to me. But I think these are all each limited, without God's grace of revelation completing the circle.

    I rather think that if a person begins to love goodness, justice, mercy, and righteousness, then God gives the person glasses of a sort, to finally recognize Him. And He can be recognized then thru signs, scripture, and logic.

    Also, I feel that it is having experienced God's presence is my stronglest anchor. The best and strongest Reality I've ever known. Not a large miraculous sign "out there", but personal; this leaves logic completely in the dust, although logic is also a gift from God.


  • joannadandy


    But also Gunn...

    Not just a Scotsman but a Gunner

  • Xandria

    The above is my family's Tartans. So you can say definately strong Celts background.

    Husband's Tartans below.

    Alexander Modern

    Alexander 1405

    Alexander Hunting Tartan..


  • LittleToe

    That's tantamount to a request to be eaten...

    I don't eat guys - would you settle for you eating claymore, instead???


    If the claim was about anything other than Christ, which would you be?

    Give me an example, coz it doesn't seem to work with much else.
    I thought about evolution. I can lack faith in it, due to logic, but how do I lack faith in it due to the lack of "sign"? Maybe I should just "believe", huh?

  • Xena

    Greek with a bit of Christian thrown in for good measure

  • Valis

    My dad's side of the family is German and Scotchish, my mom once said we were realted to the Scotchish poet Robert Burnes, but I never did any of the geneology though. My mom's side is Scotchish and Sweedish.


    District Overbeer

  • UpAndAtom

    I have been all of them, and now, none of them. I am looking forward to mankind's next evolutionary step.

    A time of "open vision" in which we not only believe in miracles and see them everyday, but are able to understand how to perform them ourselves and to what purpose they will serve.

  • plmkrzy

    I'm stuck somewhere between Christianity and the great spirit in the sky.

  • Deleted

    There's a 4th group (assuming that #3 relates to the polemics of Johannine Christians) and that's Thomas Christians and other so called heretics/gnostics. I am now in that camp, wishing I had read Elaine Pagels' books in 1981 instead of 1999 and then I would have JW implants out of my system before now.

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