JW 'urban legends'

by Steve Lowry 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget
    Anything in the shape of a pyramid will cause the demons to attack.

    You mean like all the old wbts publications.....

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    A couple that were popular around this way were -

    The abusive non-believing husband who went to the hall to attack his wife for attending the meetings without his approval. Somehow he was calmed down by the brothers and left the hall, but was struck down and killed by a car as he stormed away from the hall.

    The poor elderly sister who could hardly walk, let alone drive a car, who was said to have an angel sitting on the front of her car as she drove out in FS.

    cheeses - once a believer.

  • tinkerbell82

    i remember one that we used to tell around the campfire as kids...

    there was a man that began studying with witnesses, going o meetings, etc, and eventually he decided that he wanted to be baptized. yay!! well, about a week prior to his baptism the man was sitting alone in his study writing in his journal about how happy he was to be getting baptized. all of a sudden, he began to feel a chill in the room. his skin began to crawl. his hand froze up, and then began writing of its own accord. fearfully he looked at what his hand had just written - it was a message scrawled in blood-red ink: "IF YOU GET BAPTIZED NEXT WEEK SATAN WILL KILL YOU!!" terrified, the man called some elders who came to his house, and - get this - they sang kingdom melodies all night long so the demon that possessed the man and made him write that terrible thing would go away! :P every night of the week leading up to the man's baptism was the same - the demon would possess him and mkae him write crazy things about how satan was going to gut him like a fish if he went through with the baptism, etc etc etc. finally, the big day arrives. the man is scared to death, but he egts baptized anyways. AND THE DEMONS NEVER CAME BACK AGAIN!!! hooray!!!! baptism saves the day!!!!

  • smurfette

    I heard the 2 angels story as a kid too Scully. Must've been a popular one. Lots of Smurf's legends too, hence my name.

    One of my favorites was the demonization of E.T. the extrateretrial. Kids in our hall were not allowed to see E.T. when it came out, and my Ma destroyed an E.T. doll my brother received from a worldly relative claiming it was posessed. The toy never did anything I ever saw to warrant it's untimley demise. The reasoning for this was that Steven Spielberg had deliberately given E.T. the ability rise from the dead a la Jesus to undermine christianity. His "magic" glowing finger was also suspicious and the fact that he was an alien made him no good too.

    Another good one that I actually "witnessed" was the time my mother was at a known local wackjob's door and when she and her partner turned away from him, he picked up a board, swung it at her, and narrowly missed her cranium. They ran to the saftey of the van where the whole cargroup and my brother and I sat stunned. We sped away and on the ride back it was decided that "angels" must have prevented him from actually hitting her. She rose to local legend pretty quickly and repeated the story often adding angelic embelishments.

  • Bangalore

    Quite hilarious.


  • rebel8

    Having a bleeding disorder and being an inferior gender in the jw cult was "interesting". The dubbies had a lot of whacked out fears about me.

    "Hemo-philia" means "like/attract" and "blood" which means you like blood. Vampires like blood too. Therefore you are like a vampire. Vampires are demonic; therefore you may be possessed by demons.

    Rasputin treated a hemophiliac boy using magic spells. Magic spells are from demons; you have a similar medical issue as that boy. Therefore you may be possessed by demons.

    Much of this was sparked when the dubbies would see me having marathon nosebleeds at the kh and realizing it's impossible to not have a single drop go down your throat. And swallowing it instead of pouring it on the ground is a huge sin.

    I was in my early teens when these things were said to me. Reprehensible.

    Later, when HIV was identified, and some hemophiliacs had it, I was told I shared in the sin of gay men because they had the same disease. Obviously it was a curse from Jehovah. I was a virgin heterosexual girl.

    I had blood products before becoming a dub (not while I was a dub) and they said I would be naturally sinful because I had other people's personalities inside my body from their blood.

    They theorized I had so much innate sin coursing through my veins that Jehovah would not be able to allow me to survive through Armageddon--only through paying the wage of death could I be considered clean. (I was terrified of that but not sure they were correct.)

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    The smurf story and the two angles standing behind the witness had to be the most popular. I remember those two stories in the 80s and 90s.

    Are there any new ones that have come about in the last 10 years? Are the witnesses still crazed about demons? I can recall several book burnings as a child.

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    Here is one I heard.

    Chris de Burgh giving a concert and apparently there was a piece he wanted to do where the drums would play themselves, apparently the daemons would play the drums. The didn't play because there were some JWs in the audience, so Chris de Burgh asked that if there were any JWs in the audience that they should leave the auditorium, otherwise the daemons would not play the drums.

  • rebel8

    ^I should point out, I don't even have HIV and still the dubs said that. That really sounds more illogical than Westboro Church!

    It's interesting, isn't it, that most cult fearmongering legends boil down to a few themes:

    1. Demons
    2. Angels
    3. Special knowledge God allows only a few people to know
    4. Sex
    5. Disobedience
  • Doctor Who
    Doctor Who

    I have a story that happened to me and another youth when we were going door to door.

    We went up to this house on a hill and knocked at the door. An old lady answered and with a very deep and strange voice said, "Get out of here, they are mine!" So, we high tailed it out of there. I don't think our little feet even touched the steps as we ran! (We were both teenagers.) We reported what happened to the elder in our group what happened, and as a rabid service person, he ignored what we said and made us do the next house. as we went up the stairs he stood at the bottom of the steps (There must have been 40 of them.) When we knocked at the next door, the same woman answered and hissed at us and laughed. Now, you never saw two young kids run that fast in your life! Oh, and the elder....I think he shit his pants! Here is where it gets better, the next week when two elders went up to those houses to check on them, they were completely empty! Looked like they weren't lived in for years! Then elders had them as do not call for years until they both burned down. Oh....did I say that it was eventually found out that the one house was a former home of a "Russellite" who left the org back in 1920 and turned against them?

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