Tribute to the Troops (USA)

by Uzzah 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    Thanks for posting this, Uzzah.

    A most excellent tribute to America’s fighting men and women. Damn skippy: WE ARE THERE WITH THEM.

  • teejay
    Many liberals are the ones that spit on soldiers coming home from Vietnam...the ones that gave information on US soldiers to Vietmanese operatives...Jane Fonda...what she did in Vietnam was NOT free was treason. Treason...a word that means almost nothing now days because patriotism is held in such contempt.


    You may be confusing “patriotism” with “blind patriotism.” I agree with your assessment of Hanoi Jane and of Americans who spit on returning veterans who had served their country so well. But that was a long time ago.

    Disliking Clinton or his policies didn’t make you unpatriotic. In the same way, disliking Bush and feeling that he’s needlessly endangering the lives of our fighting men and women in a place we shouldn't be doesn’t mean that one is unpatriotic or doesn’t love their country every bit as much as you.

    As a reference, check out the possible plans of one retired U.S. Army general.

  • Cassiline

    Thanks Uzzah for the link. I am sorry that your message was not received as you had hoped.

    Since there seem to be many naysayers to your original message here are a few links where some may go who wish to support troops in the fashion they speak of.

    To troops everywhere who have not had a true meal, warm clean clothes, a good nights sleep and most of all the love and support from a family member to reassure them, I wish I could reach across the miles and bring peace to your mind and heart. Minds and hearts who I am sure are consumed with fear and worry.



    Below please finds links to "Support Troops" in a way mentioned in this thread.

  • Simon

    I'm sorry if my remarks 'caused any offense - it was not my intention (Angharad said I was being pig headed and insulting). Tact was never my strong point !

    I guess it would be more meaningful if you have family in the forces.

    My first comment was meant as a joke ... maybe a little clumsy I'll admit. My other comments were intended to highlight what I see as 'convenient patriotism' where some express support and send round emails, post pictures etc ... but do little else, little of real value for the people actually fighting who they claim to be supporting.

    I have expressed the opinion in the past that it's possible to support the people and wish for their safe return while being oposed to the thing they are doing. This is my position. I also think that the best support may be to be eager to bring them home and not so quick to send them out.

  • hawkaw


    Thanks kindly for this.

    BTW an email from me was launched.


  • StinkyPantz

    I am showing my ignorance here. Will someone tell me what the Liberal Agenda is?

  • Yerusalyim


    So far as I can tell by the examples of Gray-Out Davis, Bill and Billary Clinton...John Dean...etc it seems the Liberal Agenda is to raise taxes, make the average citizen dependent on the government, pander to special interest groups, cut defense spending...capitulate to terrorists, subvert US national interests to "world opinion"...erode the moral fiber of the US, eliminate free speech, eliminate religion not only from government...but from the public arena..shall I go on

  • Trauma_Hound

    What's wrong with eliminating religion from government? Or don't you believe in the constitution? Cowards = People that blindly follow orders, without thinking about the consquences. Hero's = People that save they're comrads in the face of danger, to question orders, if those orders are moraly repugnent.

  • StinkyPantz


    I got it! So Liberals have no redeeming qualities. Mind sharing the "Conservative Agenda"?

  • blacksheep
    You who have never lived in a different country would not understand how it looks to those of us who are looking in.

    Well, I HAVE lived in two different European countries. Before I lived in Europe, I considered myself quite the liberal. Due largely to my experiences there, I came back far more supportive and appreciative of my homeland than I ever could have imagined. I saw a sad sight of people both condemning the US and hanging on them to help them out of global situations. Lliving over there, I learned just how American I really was.

    Please don't try to play the "you can't be objective" card. I encountered far more egregious pro-our-country propaganda in Europe than I ever encountered in the US. It's actually FASHIONABLE to criticize the US among it's citizens (at least the vocal liberals). Most other people (certainly in Europe) simply know their way and their country is superior to others. Which is why they spend far more time WATCHING and criticizing other nations, esp the US.

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