Tribute to the Troops (USA)

by Uzzah 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • blacksheep

    "I also think that the best support may be to be eager to bring them home and not so quick to send them out."

    I dunno. I always considered "support" of a group of people sharing one experience (e.g. troops fighting a war) to implicitly involve a fundamental belief that what they are doing is right and noble.

    I mean, if my husband was a rescue worker at 9/11 ground zero, and I kept telling him and others that I wish he had not been called to duty, I wish the Department had not been so quick to send him out, and I wished that he returned home as soon as possible, would that really be "supporting" him? Maybe him personally. But not his efforts as a sworn defender of the public, not the efforts of the Fire/EMT service. To me supporting the troops is supporting WHAT they are doing. Thanking them for defending others, for rescuing others. It involves promoting their morale by promoting what they are DOING. Of course we want them safe. Of course we want them home. But that is not recognizing and applauding the fundmental importance and significance of what they are doing. To me, if we are constantly questioning and finding fault with why they are over there, we are not supporting the troops. And that's people's right. But I don't see how they can try to spin it so that they have it both ways: support the troops, but oppose what they are DOING.

  • teejay

    "There has been since 9/11 a chill on dialogue in this country. . . . You only have to listen to talk radio or watch Mike Savage on MSNBC, and you'll see the spirit of what's out there. You can't have a democracy when people don't get the facts and when people don't get the chance to agree or disagree. We've got to have a dialogue in this country ... that is premised on an understanding that asking questions, demanding evidence, and holding people accountable is not unpatriotic, it's the duty of every American."

    -- General Wesley K. Clark (Ret.),

  • crownboy
    Liberal Agenda is to raise taxes....

    Just for the sake of raising taxes, or for specific reasons? I'm a liberal who's for cutting taxes, but maybe not in a way you'd like .

    make the average citizen dependent on the government....

    Like one big Orwellian dream I suppose . I can never understand how conservatives get all riled up when the government tries to curb plutocratic corporations for fleecing us all, or the government tries to provide basic human services to the poorest of our population. We're just a half step from Stalin under those Democrats.

    pander to special interest groups....

    Surely you kid? Are you trying to tell me that only Democrats/ liberals pander to special interest groups? I guess there's no special interest money/ influence in the coffers of good old Dubya.

    cut defense spending....

    Well, perhaps we should cut defense spending. Not on useful stuff of course, just on the many programs that we are well aware of as being wasteful. Clinton never cut defense spending, in fact, he had many of the same wasteful policies that bush continues to have (see: ) .

    capitulate to terrorists....

    Admit it, even you know this is a silly generaliztion. Yes, we liberals want America to be overrun with terrorist . Unless you meant the conservative capitualtion to the Saudi government so that we can keep getting their oil?

    subvert US national interests to "world opinion"....

    Perhaps if we listened to the rest of the world more times, we'd have less reason to be continually having to fight wars. The conservative dream of US dominace over world affairs with no meaningful cooperation with other countries is perhaps the most dangerous thing we have affecting us right now. The best way to solve most of our problems is to involve the rest of the world meaningfully, not ignore and insult them as Bush and company have been doing. Unless you meant subverting our interest at the behest of the Saudis?

    erode the moral fiber of the US....

    How so exactly? By giving condoms to high school kids or something? I guess the US' moral fiber was at an all time high in the old days of slavery, segregation and labor explotation. But at least 16 years olds had less sex.

    eliminate free speech....

    I've seen both liberals and conservatives try to do the same, but more so conservatives (see the current drive to label all anti-war people "unpatriotic"). As a card carrying ACLU member and social libertarian, free speech is of great importance to me, and I support everyones free speech from Noam Chomsky to David Duke.

    eliminate religion not only from government...but from the public arena....

    Most liberals I know are believing Christains and are not seeking to eliminate religion. I myself couldn't care if you worshipped a golden calf, just don't tell me the government should support or acknowledge it. Most liberals just don't delude themselves into thinking James Madison was a kindred spirit with Jerry Fallwell, and they realize the need to recognize the seperation of church and state. (rem addressed that issue in another thread, IIRC).

    As far as the original thread goes, sure I support the troops, they aren't the ones responsible for bad military and international policy. I hope they come back home safe, and that they won't be called upon to fight in anymore highly questionable wars. So I do salute you, Yeru, and all your bretheren .

  • think41self

    Simon, don't worry. I didn't get TOO offended by your "British dry humor".

    I WILL check with Angharad and see if a spanking for you at the 'Fest would be proper.

    I will come properly prepared for all eventualities!


  • Simon
    I WILL check with Angharad and see if a spanking for you at the 'Fest would be proper.

    Yes, yes ... definitely in order ! ... but only if you have a go too

    I will come properly prepared for all eventualities!

    Wohoo !

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