My two week consulting trip to Bethel (the beginning of the end) Part 1

by seven006 90 Replies latest members adult

  • Loris

    Thanks for writing your story. Many of us were never stupid privileged enough to go to Bethel. You describe it in such detail I can imagine being there. It makes the hair on the back of the neck tingle. Weird stuff.


  • DanTheMan

    Sir, that was excellent, I read part 2 yesterday and just now read this. You are skilled at putting into words the Orwellian aspects of the organization that I have had difficulty getting across to people who have never experienced it.

    I visited Bethel in 1997, not as an honored guest but as a non-position-holding JW flunkie whose PO desparately wanted to encourage. It didn't work. I thought the place was just plain weird.

  • teejay
    As we headed out for the administration building My escort said we had to make a stop and pick someone up. We met up with our co-escotee in the front of another building. He was a little old man in a tattered suit and scuffed up worn out brown shoes who was talking to his feet as we met up with him. I was introduced to him while he was still looking at the ground and mumbling to himself. The little old man was Fred Franz. He shook my hand but didn't look at me face to face. He just turned and headed out like the rabbit from Alice in wonderland. I watched him walk in a very fast New Your kind of pace and I kept thinking to myself "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date."

  • Dogpatch

    By permission, the whole story will be up at:

    It's already up so far now if you want to make it easy to read.

    Thanks Dave, what a riot. I was there a few years before you and can vouch for much of this, and knew about Greenlees and Chitty as well.

    I remember the day after the stuft shirts (GB) decided that Bethelites should come to the morning table in suit and tie, Freddy wore an old T-shirt all next week (at the head of his table) with the message, "Where in the hell is McCook, Nebraska?" He always hated the GB arrangement, and even said so at Knorr's last Gilead graduation. What a bunch of cronies!

    Randy Watters

    Net Soup!

  • little witch
    little witch

    Oh Wow! Thanks Randy!

  • rocketman
    Most men talk to my boobs

    Yep, just goes to show how "spiritual" some men are....talking to shoes rather than boobs takes tremendous spiritual training and self-control.

    Or, it could well be that he kept looking down so as to avoid the temptation.

  • jgnat


  • M.J.


  • jgnat

    Excellent choice, MJ!

  • Think

    Look like he was talking to his shoes, but in reality he was talkin to his penis, because he was not using him on his wife for 67 years...

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