I've been robbed

by wasasister 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    What a bummer!


  • Mulan

    oh no!!!!!!!! I am so sorry this happened to you. I can almost feel what you are going through, just imagining the loss of precious things.

    Call me if you want to unload.


  • amac

    I can't think of anything more infuriating! Sorry for your loss.

  • plmkrzy

    OMGAD That is so scary. I'm glad to hear you are OK! You have good reason to be shook up.


  • Xandria

    (( Wasa )),

    Almost makes you want to build a 8 foot wall with ground glass at the top of it, then a moat with a few killer piranhas in it. I know it will take time for this to fade, just don't let it overwhelm you to the point that you are terrified. These punks don't deserve that much power. I truly hope the police find these people who did it, and at least make them responsible for thier actions.


  • Odrade


    been there. I got burgled a few years ago. sorry for what happened to you. You will get past it, I hope you find some of your stuff. Check dumpsters in the neighborhood too. (unfortunately)

  • happyout

    (((( wasa ))))))))

    My sister's house was recently broken into. They got an alarm installed the same week also. The saddest thing was, they stole sentimental jewelry belonging to a close relative who is deceased. Everything else material will be replaced.

    My sister was afraid to be alone in the house until they got their alarm and motion detector installed. She is better now.

    I hope you can recover quickly, Wasa, and move on. I hope they catch the losers that did this!


  • seven006


    Sorry you got taxed. I know how you feel. Just a little suggestion, when you buy new stuff go out and buy a wood burner. Take it and burn your drivers license number and name on all your stuff. Put it in plain sight and use large numbers and letters. This will help keep the druggies from ripping your stuff off. If you do this it makes it very hard to sell stolen property so they can get their crack money.

    "Do not" burn your social security number on them. It makes it easy to have your identity stolen and it is easier for the cops to identify your stolen goods with your drivers license number on them instead of your SS number. Cops can pull your drivers license number up in their computers immediately when retrieving stolen goods. On most of my computer stuff I have the words burned on them. " This has been stolen from Dave****** ODL # ********". I haven't been ripped of since I started doing this.

    For the jewelry or small metal objects you can use a metal engraver, then leave a note in your jewelry box telling a thief that everything is engraved with your drivers license number. Dope head thieves are lazy and do not want to take time away from getting stoned trying to file off letters and numbers.

    One simple thing that also helps is leaving your TV or a radio on while you are away from your house. If a thief hears them he may think someone is home and move on. Leaving your TV on at night when you are gone is a big deterrent to theft and is the cheapest form of home security you can have. The light from the TV will flicker and can be seen from the outside. Most thieves unless they are professional are dumb as a rock and the TV left on keeps most of them away.

    Back when I was a cop we gave these suggestions to everyone who got ripped off.

    It's just a suggestion

    Take care,


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Wasasister, this sort of thing is such an ugly violation....how horrible for you...


    Frannie B

  • edge3

    My heart goes out to you wasa. I had the same thing happen to me years ago and the only word to truly describe it is violated. I hope you are able to find at least some of your things at a pawn shop.

    Your old friend from back then... Jeff (Jack01)

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