And so it begins....

by ctrwtf 45 Replies latest members politics

  • freemindfade

    In order for Trump to be the next great Hitler against the media, it would have to be like 1933 germany, Media co-optation (“Gleichschaltung”) happened in two steps in Nazi Germany: extending ideological command over the media where possible and shutting down those media outlets Hitler could not control.

    In the United States today, this type of autocratic control would be virtually impossible, though attempts at censorship are imaginable. It's petty and stupid, but it's not censorship. He's turning his back on CNN not taking them over and turning them into Trump-nazi radio, even he knows most MSM is becoming more and more worthless with the internet.

    Also we do not live in the 1930's anymore, media communication is very vast and different. We do not have Banned political parties, He's not shutting down CNN, NYT, and Politico.. as much as you all and the MSM would love to make this overstatement its just not the same. Is it good? I don't think so, but its still...not...nazi...germany....

    The nazi thing is still overstated in my opinion.

    Trump panic = ratings and clicks

  • Finkelstein

    So now Trump is going to pick and choose what News services he wants at the White House press meetings

    Those that say unappealing things about his administration are fired or have the potentiality to be fired.

  • freemindfade

    CBS made it, they rail on him to no end lol

  • freemindfade

    Not sure if this makes any difference or not, but the political definition of a "press gaggle" is:

    press gaggle
    An informal briefing by the White House press secretary that is on the record but video recording is not allowed. It can occur anywhere, such as on Air Force One, but it often describes the informal interactions between the press and the press secretary that occur before a formal White House briefing.
    The term likens the members of the press corps to a “gaggle of geese” honking.
    Washington Monthly: “Gaggles historically refer to informal briefings the press secretary conducts with the press pool rather than the entire press corps. They used to happen in the morning, they were more or less off the record, and their purpose was mostly to exchange information – the president’s schedule and briefing schedule, from the administration side; heads-up on likely topics or early comment on pressing issues, from the news side. Briefings were what everybody knows them to be.”

    Not sure if that has anything to do with the nature of it or not, but just throwing it out there.

    Also once again, pretty sure Obama had some off record sessions with liberal media, but it's just wan't that sensational. Wonder why. Maybe because its not a big deal unless the MSM says it is lol

    Sometimes I wonder if he does this on purpose, knowing everyone is going to lose their mind, but that its been done before

  • ctrwtf

    Obama didn't rail against the media as the opposition party and the enemy of the people.

  • freemindfade

    He did against Fox, but its true he didn't complain and carry on.

    A politician not speaking to the press does not amount to an infringement on free press or free speech to me, that is all I am saying, how many journalists were hauled off to Trump reconditioning camps??? Where they stopped form reporting??? I'm not defending him being obnixious, just trying to be realistic.

    Trump Panic = lots of clicks, ratings, and attention

  • never a jw
    never a jw


    So things are not like in Germany in Hitler's day, therefore nothing to worry about??? This is very, very troublesome. Trump may never become a full blown Hitler, but even half a Hitler is very bad.

  • freemindfade
    So things are not like in Germany in Hitler's day, therefore nothing to worry about???

    Is that what I said? nooooooo, I said I don't think its good but comparing it to Nazi Germany is an overstatement. helloooooooo. lol

    I know you are outraged and triggered by, but believe me the way the media pumps this stuff out, its a lot more work to stay even keeled and calm.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I concede that a "free and open press" is essential to a free society. Surely this will not be tolerated and it is simply an attempt by the Trump Adm to do some "hand slapping" for things they don't like.

  • never a jw
    never a jw


    Between the liberal media and Donald Trump's goons. I take the liberal media anytime. The liberal media may use specious, even fallacious information to persuade their audience, but Trump and his goons don't seem too worried about persuading anyone. They are acting like an oligarchy

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