Most illogical verse in the Bible

by Ireneus 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Diogenesister

    In defence of that verse about the slaying of an Ox being the equal of man-slaying, Smiddy, I believe what they sre saying is that the Ox is the primary tool for providing the grain that sustains the family or village. Killing such an animal in those days could mean starvation for the family....or death.

    Not that there are arent hundreds of verses that either make no sense, contradict others, are anachronisms or are blatantly written for the benefit of those wielding religious power like the verse urging isrealites to give their shekels and the best meat to the priests etc

  • Ireneus

    That is an interesting summing up, Diogenesister,

    Very few people only attempt to read between the lines. When I read the Bible, I read it like a witness—as a totally dispassionate observer which makes me discriminate between essence and human thinking. For example, when God says something, it should be befitting to His stature. Instead of God asking us to avoid worshipping other gods (which means He hates them) as Almighty, He can easily exercise the easiest option of not permitting a situation where rebels disturb the peace of Himself and of others and thus first save Himself by ridding Himself of hatred—a deep negative emotion if found among humans ‘would cause many diseases’. Hatred (from the Hebrew root, Yiddish, Haete, meaning “that never goes; to remain rooted”) has a strong, negative implication.

    Scriptures are the product of human thinking; and thinking is internal talking (of the mind) just like external talking (of the mouth). Thinking leads at the best to the opinion, not necessarily to truth. In fact it often veils the truth. One can realize the truth only in the space of consciousness, free from thoughts—something Jesus implied when he said “Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21) If one has chosen to bind himself to human thinking (own or of others), it means he is free to sever that bondage too.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I always enjoyed the illogical account of the dedication of Solomon's temple where jehober (the creator of all animals) required the slaughter and sacrifice of about 144,000 cattle and sheep in a 7 or possibly a 14 day period. So one large 'soul' each 5 to 10 seconds was slaughtered to appease jehober? Then the bible says that the people went home feeling "happy in their hearts"? WTF? No wonder the Israelite's were such a bunch of screwed up people!

    just saying!

  • EverApostate

    Any one who demands worship and is Jealous, is nutty and an egotistical maniac. These characteristics are symptoms of Insecurity and Imperfection.

    Yet, the Bible says that Almighty Jehovah is perfect and yet demands worship and is even Jealous when people worship other gods.

    To sum up:Jah is a Fictional character invented by ancient Middle East People.

  • WTWizard

    There is one purpose for this rule. This is to ensure that no one would find salvation from joke-hova once they realize there is no salvation in that thing. They are not to find another God or Goddess that might do what joke-hova refuses to do for them, while joke-hova makes slaves out of them. No worshiping the sun means no using energy from the sun to free oneself or to gain other benefits. That way, joke-hova will make everyone miserable and enslaved.

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