Most illogical verse in the Bible

by Ireneus 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ireneus

    In Exodus 20:3-5 God is depicted as saying: “You should have no other gods” and worshipping them would bring ‘punishment for three to four generation’ and worshipping me would bring blessings for “a thousand generations.”

    The sentiments behind this command is same as the one that was displayed by Othello who punished his wife Desdemona all because of a handkerchief (given to her by Othello on their honeymoon) that was happened to be found with someone else.

    If it were the real God, He would have said something like this: “You are my children, and you should not worship me. How can father accept worship from his children? When there is true love between you, you become worship-worthy. I am in no need of worship.”

    This shows the whole episode of Exodus is the product of human imagination which means verses carry no meaning at all just like Exodus 20:7 which says He would hold anyone “guilty” for the misuse of His name Jehovah. But we find Jehovah’s Witnesses misusing that very name putting it everywhere—on their publications, property, wall, gate, and also on themselves who pretend to be spokesperson for God, yet keep on changing the teachings according to their convenience—and even when they fight court cases—for/against them. If misusing the name on such a global scale is not noticed by God, then it would mean other verses too have no meaning.

  • waton

    God accepting Abel's offering of mutton, at a time when humans were vegetarians. So: the meat was basically garbage, even if wt calls it "choice pieces". By contrast, Cain's hard earned vegetables from a cursed ground were deemed to be of no sacrificial value.

    Partakers at the altar writing history to suit their palate?

    if it fits the story line or not?

  • Crazyguy

    Waton, that’s a good one, people were not supposed to be eating meat yet so why the animal sacrifice. I like the verses in exodus where by the children would be cursed for the sins of their father down to the fourth generation

  • smiddy3

    So Jehovah admits their are other Gods beside himself that could be worshiped which backs up the statement in Gen.3;22 ..."here the man has become like one of us .." { Gods }

    And the fact that Jehovah favoured Abel`s sacrifice over Cain`s which would be more logical being the fruits of the Earth just shows what a bloodthirsty God Jehovah is .

    Throughout the Old Testament millions of animals and birds were slaughtered and drained of their blood to appease the blood lust of Jehovah.

    the verses in exodus where by the children would be cursed for the sins of their father down to the fourth generation

    What a vindictive God Jehovah is

  • venus
    waton Nice Point

    Would the Americans ever forget their Founding Fathers? Never. Yet Exodus says God made Joseph “father to Pharaoh.” (Genesis 45:8); and Egyptians “mourned the death of Joseph’s Father for seventy days” (Genesis 50:3).

    Then in the next chapter we read: “Then a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt.” (Exodus 1:8) Impossible for a king to forget such a great leader like Joseph who saved the whole empire from famine of 7 years!”

    Exodus is full of God-dishonoring verses such as 3:22; 4:11 …etc …proof of things written without the knowledge of God.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Scholars of the Hebrew Scriptures assign four major sources of the Pentateuch (Torah): J, E, P, D.

    Exodus 20 was written by P, who was a priest living at Jerusalem after the destruction of Israel in 722 BCE and before the death of Josiah in 720 BCE. (See "Who Wrote the Bible?", Richard Elliott Friedman).

    This was therefore immediately prior to the Babylonian Captivity and Exile. Until that event, the vast majority of the Hebrews were polytheists or at least monolatrists (worship one god but recognize that other gods do exist).

    This passage from Exodus was a demand by P that people must put his God first. (Religious politics). He added the warning and the promise that is typical of any religious propaganda ("join us and you will live forever").

    Because people do not learn from history, they repeat it. The past was full of empty unprovable promises and it carries on today in every shade and color.

    Monotheism and Judaism rose out of the ashes of the 6th century BCE Babylonian Captivity and Exile.


  • venus


    Isaiah has already declared account of sacrifice of Abel is not an inspired one when he wrote: "He who kills an ox is like one who slays a man" (Isaiah 66:3). Account is surely someone's wild imagination.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Exod 20:1-17 The differences between the Ten Commandments as they appear here [at Exodus 20:1-17] and in Deuteronomy 5 indicate that there was an original text of the Ten Commandments—which appears to have been a part of E originally—that was elaborated upon by the person who produced P in typical P terminology, and by the person who produced Dtr1 in typical D terminology. Compare especially the Sabbath commandment in Exod 20:11 and Deut 5:15. The J text of the Ten Commandments meanwhile appears in Exodus 34:14–28. (Who Wrote the Bible? Richard Elliott Friedman, Kindle locations 4157-4161; also pages 258-259, paperback).

  • AlexPancho

    The Bible is full of contradictory and illogical verses. In addition, many events are simply invented. As example, from the large-scale construction and trade activities of Solomon should have been many writing references, including - in the annals of other countries. But it is not.
    The resurrection of Christ is central to Christianity. However, even here the prophecy about three days and three nights was not fulfilled - he was dead only two nights and one day.
    But the most interesting thing is, how is God, who has everything, can be jealous as an imperfect man? Human jealousy is a disadvantage. How can there be a defect in the perfect God?

  • Ireneus

    Hi AlexPancho

    That'is what exactly my point is. God is the fullness of all qualities; hence He can only give, not receive. Wanting something denotes deficiency.

    Hence, such concepts/verses about God are human inventions.

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