Update on everything going on in JW Land - Insider Information

by thedepressedsoul 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover
    I've never seen anything to suggest that the GB aren't in charge. They no doubt take advice from legal and financial team but they seem to be running the show. They personal visit new building HQ, branches and seem to have the final say.

    At least as far as doctrine and run-of-the-mill JW policies go. But I have a feeling they've almost become puppet dictators. Someone else in the shadows (legal dept) really controls the future of the corporation. They just let these chumps feel like they're in charge.

  • slimboyfat

    Who was in the revised NWT translation committee?

    Why did they really stop the book study?

    Who came up with the crazy new generation teaching?

  • thedepressedsoul
    At least as far as doctrine and run-of-the-mill JW policies go. But I have a feeling they've almost become puppet dictators. Someone else in the shadows (legal dept) really controls the future of the corporation. They just let these chumps feel like they're in charge.

    It could very well be. When they changed their whole structure we have no idea who they put in charge of their different company divisions.

  • thedepressedsoul
    Who was in the revised NWT translation committee?
    Why did they really stop the book study?
    Who came up with the crazy new generation teaching?

    If I had those answers I would have told everyone already. I know enough to see changes and whats going on. As for small details like that, I have not a clue.

  • TheWonderofYou

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  • Finkelstein

    What in mind kicked off this spending spree was the sale of all the those branches including certain properties in Brooklyn . The WTS heads thought, yeah you've now got a huge chunk of money , what should we do with it ?

    Of course the transfer out of Brooklyn has been in the works for awhile now.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    What I would like to know is why they have keep the same business model of using free labor to hand out magazines in hopes of receiving donation witch almost never happens are they that stuck in a rut that they can't pull out of this dead end model? Is the Governing Body that stupid that they can't pull of this bad business venture from the past and completely shift gears to keep their little kingdom empire a float.

    O and any word on their buying up contaminated sites to build branches and head quarters? What kind of F&DS investments are those? What's the plan or or they just plane stupid?

  • Giordano

    Thanks Depressed Soul it is good to have additional confirmation about a number of things we've observed and discussed.

    Protect yourself at all times.

  • kramer
    You are not really 'high up' are you :) if you are at least give us something interesting , not rehashed information.
  • Sabin

    They are stock piling the money, gathering it in & putting it out to places where it can be hidden so they wont have to pay out for all the abuse cases. It all comes down to the $$$$$$$. Money makes the Watchtower go round. If they start paying out for abused victims then it's game over, like it was for the churches. People ask the questions, if your not guilty why are you paying?

    As far as the young ones go, well I have 2 & I can tell you they are not happy even though they are both pioneers, why? I think the older generation were all about order, things were black & white they came from world war times. Religiously minded people were like that, the kids want spirituality, that comes from ones heart not ones head they see enough cruelty going on in the world through the media they don't want to face it in the KH. They want to have how the FEEL herd, listened to & they don't get that. They get "Do what we say or die". WOW!

    As for the lowly, well what is there to say Jesus said "The poor will always be with us". The WT version is "The poor are there for us to pick on". & pick on them they do. It's like I always say BASTARDS.

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