Joe Biden or Donald Trump?

by Iamallcool 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • jp1692

    Ugh, the last thing we need is another old, white guy as POTUS.

    The median age upon accession to the presidency is 55 years and 3 months.

    Trump was the oldest president sworn-in at 70 years 220 days. John F. Kennedy was the youngest elected president at 43 years 236 days.

    Joe Biden, who is 77 years old, is now the youngest man vying for the Democratic presidential nomination.

  • Finkelstein

    The probable reason Sanders has lost support is that his ideological policies are too unpractical or some would say too far left, Biden is of more of centralist, so I think he'll win the vote overall for the Democrats.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Isnt he a Social Democrat? - many hard left politicians say this.

    And yet, the people who claim this also praise Castro, Chavez and Maduro. They also may have travelled to the USSR.

    ^^^ Why would a Social Democrat do these things?

  • out4good4
    Sure is a lot of exaggerated sensationalism when politics get discussed .

    Not to mention the usual tribal drumbeating.......

  • DesirousOfChange

    Biden supporters better look closely at his pick for Vice President because Sleepy Joe will be over 78 when he is sworn in (if he wins). Biden's physical health seems better than his mental health. When you watch him on stage the man is clearly "slipping" mentally. If he doesn't die in office, I wouldn't be surprised to see the 25th Amendment invoked because of his "dementia" or some inability to serve.

    Sanders would be well over 79 years old, and just had a massive heart attack and refuses to release his medical records pertaining to his recent health. Seems to me he has a damn good chance of croaking in office and his VP having to step up to the plate.

    Trump will be (only) 74 years old at his 2nd inauguration (if he is reelected) but seems to be in good health.

  • Cadellin

    As much as I am not in love with the idea of another old white man as President, at least Biden isn't Trump. My golden retriever would be a better president than Trump.

  • RubaDub

    My golden retriever would be a better president than Trump.

    Cadellin ...

    I bet you leave your golden retriever's coat its natural color, probably not dyed orange with some weird looking thing glued to its head.

    Rub a Dub

  • minimus

    Biden doesn’t know the difference between his sister and his wife. Trump will have fun with him

  • Solzhenitsyn

    I don't care either way because all the politicking just doesn't matter.

    That said, Trump will be be president for 4 more years.

  • WingCommander

    I recently heard that Biden was considering asking Michelle Obama to be his Vice President. As far back as January. Would she accept? I don't see why, as she and the Community Organizer are living large in their fucking mansions and raking in the $$$$. She's "movin' on up!!!!" and she doesn't need the headache of being VP and babysitter to Biden. Interesting idea though from Biden's camp; attempting to win over the female and people of colour vote. However, this could backfire spectacularly if Michelle opened her mouth the wrong way as VP pick Sarah Palin did years ago.

    Biden isn't even cognizant. He actually said in a rally the other week, that he was the Democratic candidate for US SENATE!!!!!!!! I am NOT kidding. That is NOT a good sign for him. He looks like he should be entering a nursing home. Same with Bernie. Crazy old codgers. Even Hilary has Bernie down; been in the Senate for like 30 years, hasn't done JACK SHIT. No one likes him, no one wanted to work with him. But he thinks he Presidential material? lol!!!! Delusional old windbag from Vermont. "Meh chedder! Meh maple syrup! Meh free stuff!!"

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