If Whites Are Inherently Racists.....

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    IMHO racism is the logical endpoint of a chain of mind sets – tribalism > patriotism > nationalism > racism. It’s the idea that your tribe, nation, race, is superior to the rest. It’s irrational because if you were born somewhere else, you would believe a different tribe, nation, race was the most superior. It could be argued that it’s the ultimate arrogance; my race is best because I was born in it, in other words, because of me.

    Of course black people can be racist. I think one of the most virulent racists I’ve come across in my life was a black kid I was at school with. It was kids like him that turned me racist until JWs cured me of it. Much later on a black Muslim man married an extended member of my family, and he was an equally virulent racist. I’ve also met a few white equivalents, but generally speaking, most people I’ve met in my life, both black and white, are just ordinary decent people.
  • JoenB75

    Hehe Jesse Lee Peterson wants to take the majority of his fellow blacks back to the plantation, so they can learn to be honest responsible workers like in the ol jim crow days. I bet a white man would be crucified for saying that

  • johnamos

    I am a white person. White is a color. I am a person of color.

  • TD

    It's a peculiarity of human nature that groups that on the surface appear to be very close often have a huge amount of antipathy for each other.

    If you've ever seen Hopis and Navajos interact together you know exactly what I'm talking about, but the phenomenon is hardly limited to those two groups.

    Race (Or the perception thereof) is only one of many reasons why humans decide to dislike each other.

  • minimus

    They say some light-skinned black people are look down upon by darker black people.

  • johnamos

    4 people, 2 black, 2 white...how many African American's are there?

    Oprah born in Mississippi, United States

    Michelle born in Chicago, United States

    Charlize born in Gauteng, South Africa

    Dave born in Johannesburg, South Africa

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Critical Race Theory is a postmodern framework by which all institutions and dynamics of society are analyzed in terms of race and hierarchy.

    I'm not certain but I think legislation has been passed in USA to stop Critical Race Theory being used. If you are an organization wanting funding, to get your funding you must not ascribe character traits, values, moral/ethical codes, privileges, status, or beliefs based on race.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
  • JoenB75

    Phizzy, you segregate the colors when you do laundry?

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