rama singh WHAT HE REALLY SAID, so you men can stop lying

by atheist_R_stupid 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Simon
    do new members still have a posting limit ?

    I'm trying having more flexible limits but if someone appears to be trolling or just here to rile people up I can and will lower their limits to reduce the impact they have (as a first step)


    He's trolling. Ignore him. He's just pissed that his Governing Popes can't write anything without using "a false stylus." 


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    There was someone a week or two back that got the boot, used all caps words for emphasis a lot, ... just sayin'
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    i think this guy will either disappear up his own orifice--or eventually see the light  lol
  • Simon

    It's sometimes worth letting people like this talk - they are often more convincing to any onlookers of what the WTS mindset it than any explanation we could give.

    Now it's on display for all to see and captured for prosperity.

  • Finkelstein

    I'm_Stipid  Your comprehension of the arcticle is once again twisted to oppose eveoution from your own bias.

    The WTS took a part of the article to imply that scientists are in constant disagreement to biological evolution.

     There maybe slight disagreements stemmed from deep internal segments of biological evolution in their abstract acceptance, but that doesn't not mean that scientists are disagreeing on biological evolution as a whole ideological construct.

     It was just vain attempt to discredit evolution and how it has been accepted by mainstream modern societies.

    What do you expect from devout creationists who think a deity with hands, arms and legs, made the universe and got pooped after awhile so he had to therefore take a rest,  that makes more logical sense to creationists.   


  • cofty

    I agree that letting people like this talk - within reasonable limits - is the strongest argument against their opinions.

    Some of the best reasons to oppose theism have come straight from the most ardent theists.

    Succinct replies are the most effective. Ignore 99% of their gibberish and pick one specific point.

  • Phizzy

    I agree with your Policy Simon, for the excellent reason you gave. But this guy ( ? I doubt its a girl, too much teenage testosterone in evidence) is stopping reasonable debate and discussion.

    Let him run awhile, but keep a weather-eye on him, inevitably such people expose their stupidity and ignorance, true, but they do lower the tone of the place, and spoil our enjoyment of reasoned discussion in a civilised manner.

  • Xanthippe
    He came, he saw, he left.
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think it is Anthony Morris trying out some material for his next talk:

    "So I went on the Interwebs and found a bunch of apostates and told them they were all stupid. Then I went out and bought a new watch and had a huge steak dinner. See how smart and successful I am, and I certainly never got any fancy degree."

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