JW Kids Bullying My Daughter

by pale.emperor 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FedUpJW

    So sad, and makes me as angry as one can be, but this is NOT an isolated incident in the JW community.

    This is the normal way of treating the young ones. I know personally of a young four year old that was sternly informed by her grandmother that she(the little girl) was, "going to die at Armageddon, and I am going to watch the birds pecking out your dead eyes!"

    A cult that promotes joy over other peoples deaths is nothing but pure poison.

  • vienne

    Probably won't do a lick of good, but I'd write this all up naming names and send it to the Watchtower. It should make them blush for fostering this behavior.

    My mother was baptized when I was 12, and I attended meetings with her. It was elder behavior that made me question everything I heard at Watchtower meetings. Within a year I had serious questions about doctrine, structure and behavior on the part of Witnesses.

    I unloaded on John Barr when he visited our congregation. He listened. There was a result, but by that time I was certain that some doctrine was irretrievably broken, that the authority structure was not scriptural and the people as a whole did not know what love is.

  • steve2

    It is sick what happened. At the same time, here is a valuable opportunity to teach your beautiful little girl the quality of resilience: Kids can be mean and spiteful but your daughter can learn to value herself for who she is and her parents for who they are. teach her to hold her head high and never apologize for not being a JW.

    What gets to me about this is that many of us here were bullied by non-JW peers when we were growing up (I can remember being jeered and spat at in the school yard by my peers; teachers just walked on by not 'seeing' what was happening right in front of them).

    It can still astonish me how quickly a religious group that was once publically vilified and treated appallingly unthinkingly adopts some of these same deplorable bullying strategies in the claimed service of "keeping the congregation clean".

  • pale.emperor

    Would probably be interesting to know how your wife's elder father explained that away?

    "It's just kids being kids. They shouldnt do that although... if her dad was a Jehovah's Witness it wouldnt have happened. Just saying..." I asked this question to her mum on the phone after you posted it.

  • 3rdgen

    PE, Right now you feel like you could ring the necks of the parents of those snotty little kids.Your anger is completely justified. As awful as the experience was for your daughter, it was surely worse for your ex. After all, these are the very people she is trying to please by staying "in". Hopefully, this incident will be enough to help her see the harmful effects the cult has on innocent children and leave her "comfort zone" for your daughter's sake if not her own.

  • pale.emperor

    PE, Right now you feel like you could ring the necks of the parents of those snotty little kids.Your anger is completely justified. As awful as the experience was for your daughter, it was surely worse for your ex. After all, these are the very people she is trying to please by staying "in". Hopefully, this incident will be enough to help her see the harmful effects the cult has on innocent children and leave her "comfort zone" for your daughter's sake if not her own.

    It's very obvious that as soon as her parents die she'll leave WT forever. She has a "worldly" friend that she's become very good friends with that has blown all that "bad association" crap out of the water. I just think it's a shame that she's willing to wait 30-40 years before living a life true to herself.

  • NoviceLocs14

    My blood is boiling after reading this. I don't believe in disrespecting anyone's mother, so I won't talk about how evil one has be to shun her own preschool aged granddaughter just because her parent doesn't believe in a certain belief system anymore.

    This is why I didn't even bother informing my own mother about the birth of my daughter. She chose to shun me after I disassociated. I know my mother, and I knew for sure she would take that out on her innocent grandchild. So I chose to spare my child from that poisonous environment. I know some may not agree with my choice, but it's what I chose to do.

    I wish nothing but good vibes to you and your precious little girl.

  • mentalclarity

    I wonder if this will push your ex over the edge....let it fester...there might be a silver lining in this horrible incident.

    So sad your daughter had to endure that type of behavior- but hopefully it will also be etched in her brain so that she NEVER ever becomes a witness.

    This is what I tell my family whenever they snub me - "Keep showing yourselves to be the loveless crew you are so that my children never want to become witnesses. Your behavior will help much more than my words ever could. They LOVE that! hahaha and then I tell them they'll have blood on their hands because of it- just an ex jw using jw mind games.

    Can't even imagine your rage - It's one thing to treat an adult like that, but just a small child??? That's terrible.

  • carla

    I couldn't even finish listening to that cute little voice! Nearly brings me to tears to think this adorable child should have to endure the likes of jw's in her young life. This should be made public, maybe blur her face out and put it on youtube with the story? is there some way to protect her identity and yours? I dunno.....

    So glad she has your unconditional love! all the best to you and yours.

  • sparrowdown

    JWs are NOT nice people anyone who thinks otherwise just hasn't spent enough time with them.

    The answer is simple - boycott their stupid parties. Your daughter doesn't need that kind of toxic message sent to her from self righteous relatives.

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