Contact Equals Suicide?

by patio34 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34


    Ha-ha-ha-ha! FYI, 'Esther' is the 7th poster back. Is it not showing up on your 'copy' of the board? It's right before Hippikon's.

    Puzzled Pat

  • seven006

    This is a great topic.

    It seems that you are grouping all of human kind into the one big species abusing group. You are also basing your thoughts on a possible extraterrestrial species having the same grouped way of thinking that we as humans can understand and thus form a hypotheses of their possible reaction to contact with us. Our thoughts and presumptions of their possible traveling capabilities are also based on our controlled knowledge of physics in relation to our own planet and progressive level of understanding. The ability to even attempt contact with a species outside of or limited boundaries has only been possible in the last fifty years. Humankind itself has made astounding technological advances to search the universe in just the past thirty years. What was science fiction just fifty years ago is now science fact. We continue to progress and learn on what we as humans consider an alarming pace.

    At the present time we have humans living in a space station that is orbiting effortlessly around our planet. My grandmother who just died a few years ago could remember reading about the first flight of Orvil and Wilber Wright. In essence I have touched the hand of someone that experience a technological advancement that now seems ancient history to us at present. If someone was to tell my great grandmother that someday people will have a glass tube in front of them and be able to have a real time voice and picture conversations with another person half way around the globe she would have thought them to be crazy. Our technology in the whole spectrum of our own generation is astounding, but in relation to the age and development time of our universe we are still in baby land.

    In the past ten years humans have developed aircraft that is virtually undetectable by the highest level of our radar detecting technology. With our best radio eyes the new stealth aircraft has the signature not any more noticeable than a flying basketball. With this in mind, how easy would it be for a civilization far more advanced than we to develop not only travel but complete stealth travel and totally unrecognizable to our most advanced forms of detection? Where are we ourselves going to be technologically speaking in fifty years in this regard? If another civilization was just a short five hundred years ahead of us, their technology would blow away even the brightest engineers and scientist we have at present. Science fiction writers could not even fathom the possibilities.

    You say there is no evidence of extraterrestrial visitors. Well, there are several hundred thousand people living on this planet that would disagree with you. I believe that human kind is more in a majority state of disbelief simply for the reason that humans tend to fear what they do not understand and a derivative of fear is non recognition. Most people are in agreement that until an extraterrestrial spaceship lands in Time Square, Red Square, or the White House lawn they just refuse to believe they exist. Simple human thinking will even reason that if you want to insure your safety in a possible hostile environment that it is better to hide oneself as opposed to plopping down right in the middle of things. If they are here and no one has seen them (which many came to have) it is only reasonable to think if they have the capability to come here in the first place, they have the capability to remain unseen.

    Any old war movie will attest to the fact that those who want to remain alive in a situation of uncertainty will hide and observe before reveling themselves. Not only to have a better chance of surprising a potential enemy but also to avoid attacking potential civilian or allied force. Watching and waiting is the key. If we contend that they are like us and fear what they do not understand then there is pretty much nothing we will be able to do about it if they do become hostile. If they are in fact here or are observing us in efforts to evaluate our reaction to a possible encounter we will just have to wait and see.

    If we think they will react in a manner like humans have proven to react in a venture of exploration and discovery then it will only influence a negative action by us, and in return a negative reaction by them. If you consider the fact that humans tend to learn (slowly I may add) from their mistakes and work hard to rectify actions that have damaged our planet, then maybe an extraterrestrial visitor is as advanced in their civilization mistake learning as they are in their technology that has brought or will bring them here in the first place. Their recognition of what is good and bad in relation to their actions considering future existence of either their or our species may also be five hundred years in advance of us.

    Any way you look at it, if they can get here they can pretty much kick our ass to begin with. But then you might consider, they may not want to.


  • patio34


    Thanks for the post. It was very good. There have been more rapid advances than ever before in humans' history.

    And, of course, it's always possible the aliens have arrived. I'm an avid fan of X-Files. Do you watch it? Last Sunday's episode was really good.


  • seven006


    I'm glad you liked what I had to say. I had some time to kill and I like the subject matter.

    No, I do not watch the X-Files or any other si-fi show. I have done a lot of research on the subject of aliens because I know for a fact that my ex-wife is one. She has to be, no human could possibly be that crazy


  • patio34

    ROFL, Dave! I think my ex-husband was one too! I should have checked the back of his neck (an X-Files thing!)


  • Scarlet Pimpernel
    Scarlet Pimpernel

    Dave, Patio were you once married? (to each other)

  • logical

    Dave, you have some good points.

    Notice though, that the technology has advanced exponentially? Took thousands of years to get electricity the way it is now, then advancements just got bigger and better (or worse depending on how you look at it) faster and faster . We may not be as far behind as we think.

    Then theres the technology us civilians have NO idea about, the technology the powers that be are developing behind closed doors.

  • Lindy

    Fun topic!

    Add to your list of place on the net to check out along this line:

    Dig around in here, lots of stuff relating to how we got here on this earth besides a "one God created us" thing, which is related to "UFOs" in the past.

    Lindy (Antique)

  • patio34


    That is a huge site. Thanks for the tip!


    In "The 3rd Chimpanzee" book, the point is made that it took tens of thousands of years to even progress to agriculture and past stone tools for early man. So, we are relatively moving at the proverbial speed of lite technologically-speaking.


  • waiting

    hey lindy,

    If you put something before the url like *.....*, it will become a click. even one period will do. Thus so:


    hey Dave,

    I believe that human kind is more in a majority state of disbelief simply for the reason that humans tend to fear what they do not understand and a derivative of fear is non recognition. - Dave, bold added

    A true point - and can be shown in almost every aspect of a person's life. I believe non-recognition and living in denial go hand and hand.

    I also think that humans would naturally base their expectations of aliens on what they know - how else could they base something? But the point is, as you and others have brought out, we don't know.

    Remember how the Soviet Union, and the USA, would put spies in each other's countries - but these spies would live very average, normal lives, until called upon by the mother country, sometimes for decades. The spies would raise their families as the locals did, work, etc.

    I have done a lot of research on the subject of aliens because I know for a fact that my ex-wife is one. She has to be, no human could possibly be that crazy. - Dave

    I think a lot of us were/are married to aliens. We're all remarkedly sane here - so it must be them.

    Watching and waiting is the key.- Dave

    Wise words, my man.


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