Vegan paradise

by coalize 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • coalize

    If in the WTS earthly-paradise fantasy, the wolf won't eat no more the lamb and they will be the best friends, will human continue to kill lambs to eat?

    The earthly paradise is vegan?

  • prologos

    If Adam and Eve in Eden would have been carnivores we would not be in this trouble, the last days, so: what makes you think more of fruit&vegetables will solve the problems?

  • coalize

    I'm not vegan prologos. It's just a question about logic ;)y

  • prologos

    Talking about logic, Abel did not kill lambs to eat either, he might have done it just to sacrifice. Since the centerpiece of the paradise was a talking, walking snake with a diet changed to dust, where is the basis for logic?

  • coalize

    I don't speak about Eden..

  • Diogenesister

    "Keep spending most our lives dreamin' of our vegan paradise"πŸŒπŸ‰πŸŽπŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆ

    🎢(To the tune of 'Gangstas paradise')

  • slimboyfat
  • scratchme1010

    If in the WTS earthly-paradise fantasy, the wolf won't eat no more the lamb and they will be the best friends, will human continue to kill lambs to eat?

    The earthly paradise is vegan?

    Yes, vegan.

    What about the rest of the carnivore animals that eat other species?

    The whole thing doesn't make any sense.

  • Heaven

    My cousin went vegan. Her hemoglobin levels dropped so dangerously low that her doctor told her she had to introduce meat back into her diet.

    And could you imagine the massive amounts of insects we'd be wading through if they weren't eaten by the various carnivorous and omnivorous species on this planet?!

  • evilApostate

    This is just another idiotic belief. Think of all the animals which have specialised features for eating meat. For example, the sabre tooth tiger (now extinct):

    Are we supposed to believe that all these animals were created to eat grass/plants?

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