Old Literature 

by RolRod 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Giordano

    The wife and I tossed out everything related to the WTBTS including their crappy bible.

    We had relocated to a new area......... Fort Lauderdale Florida, and had a merry band of former JW's who had left when we did in the mid1960's.

    Thinking back none of us ever mentioned the JW beliefs, never attended any meeting other then a family funeral.

    We were over all of it.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i cleared my jw dad's house when he went into a care home. several car trips to the dump--including all those damn books and tons of magazines--going back over 50 years. also a large cardboard box full of old congregation records. i never kept a single thing.

  • wolverines

    Oh Stand that could have a lot of value in information there.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i doubt it--the congregation disbanded and the few remainers went to another hall. i doubt if anyone cares how many magazines were sold 20 years before.

  • RolRod

    I remember when my mother-in-law died, we cleaned out her house and I dumped everything. She was in the French congregation.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Put the entire Library in a heap, poured gasoline on it and struck a match. The only WT book I kept was a Large Print NWT that I kept for research purposes. I previously had it bound in blue leather.

    I stared at the fire for a good long while.

  • smiddy3

    At the time I made sure it went into the trash and not the recyclable bin as I didn`t want any to fall into unsuspecting hands who might be sucked in by it.

    In hindsight I wish I had kept some to be used here in debunking them.


  • BereanThinker7

    I really wish people when are waking up would realize as more and more of the witness literature becomes online only the org will do their best to destroy their past.

    Save what you have even if only to give away (or sell) to other activists. The physical copies of literature is evidence the org cannot change if you preserve it!!!

  • OnTheOutside

    I cleared my jw dad's house when he went into a care home. several car trips to the dump--including all those damn books and tons of magazines--going back over 50 years. also a large cardboard box full of old congregation records. i never kept a single thing.

    Same here with my ex-elder father-in-law. He had bound volumes dating back to the 50's and piles of books. The local KH didn't want it so we boxed it all up and hauled it in his old pickup truck out to the dump. I had thought about saving some of it for resale but our car was already packed with other stuff.

    Ironically, his bound volumes showed me, a non-JW, the TTATT. I had stumbled across this website and initially thought some the claims and stories here were rather farfetched. When we would go to his place, I'd take some of the WT and Awake references and look them up in his bound volumes and found it was for REAL. Things like 1975, generation, blood, higher education, different bible, doctrinal changes, flip-flops, etc. It changed the way I viewed the JW religion.

  • smiddy3

    also a large cardboard box full of old congregation records. i never kept a single thing.

    A pity about that my friend ,there could have been some very useful info in those records ,never mind ,I found it interesting you were never a JW ,yet have learned a lot about the religion since your dad going into a care home

    .It wasn`t one sponsored by a religious institution was it .? LOL

    Not meaning to be disrespectful there ,but it `s funny how JW`s abuse Christendoms religions all of their lives then depend on them when they become old and frail ,because the WT/JW religion wont take care of them..

    Welcome to the forum .

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