Old Literature 

by RolRod 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • RolRod
    What did you do with your JW literature when you left? Kept it, sold it or dumped it?
  • greenhornet

    I went into the forest near me and put the books on a dead stump and shot them. Handgun first and then an AR 15 . And yes Its no big deal here I live in the USA

  • LongHairGal

    ROL ROD:

    Certain things I tore to shreds very early on in my ‘fade’:..the autographed song book I got from somebody who proclaimed they were anointed. I was angry that I had treated it like a holy relic.🙄

    Bound volumes were put out with the recyclables in the first place I lived where I didn’t have JWs around who would have seen what I was throwing out...The rest of the books were disposed of over time.

    I have two other denomination bibles for occasional reference. No Witness literature left.

  • Gorbatchov

    I kept 3 books:

    - Commentary on James

    - Happiness

    - Mankind in search of God

    The rest got into my round archive (bin).

    The hapiness book stayed in my bookshelf because of good memories. I was a young boy and at a meeting there was an huge package at the platform. When it was opened a man high copy of the golden hapiness book was presented. So were those days with a lot of fun. The elder who did this part was excommunicated later.


  • longgone

    I made multiple trips to the dumpster, not just books though. Service bags, “modest” and “appropriate” dresses, skirts, shoes, inexpensive jewelry, everything last item related the religion. Sad to say, my closet was nearly empty as were my book shelves. 🙄🙄🙄

  • wolverines

    Don't destroy old books, they have value. You are doing the work for the society. Many older books and other items have value in that they are proof that the society lies cheats and changes things to fix bad predictions. Try to find a 1934 year book for under a hundred bucks. You may but its not very easy.

    When I can I buy from a list I have made of things I am on the watch for. My 1984 BV has pictures on the front of one of the magazines that show a lot of old anointed and the caption is if I remember right the generation that will not pass away and they are all long dead now.

  • Biahi

    I saved my old books, too. Not sure exactly what I have, but I know I have the “truth book” and the “Revelation climax “ book. They are in a plastic bin in a closet. I will never get rid of them, they are solid proof of their BS.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I dumped a LOT of stuff, then years later I bought a lot of it back for my "WT BS CDs" & "replica reprints" projects.

    Those were fun times. The "replica reprints" are still on LULU, if anyone is interested (they're not).

  • JoenB75

    I had various Russell and Rutherford books. Especially Rutherford had a sort of charismatic vibe that made many of his books entertaining reading. But I threw it all out, including a superrare publication from a Russellite movement that tried to establishment itself in my country after the divorce from Rutherford. But do I miss any of it? No cant say

  • truth_b_known

    I dumped mine, but I wonder if that was wise. There seems to be an attempt by the Watchtower to erase their past. Perhaps having some of their most embarrassing moments in print might prove useful. Then again, maybe not. PIMOs on this site have shared stories of their PIMI spouses refusing to look at older publications to the point of acting like its apostate propaganda.

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