Anthony Morris - The Higher Education Broadcast

by pale.emperor 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fastJehu
    "We wont need doctors or lawyers after armageddon, but we WILL need carpenters and plumbers!!".

    If that is true, then any person who survived Armagedon would be directly perfect?

    Is not taught that the survivors slowly go to perfection?

    Knows Anthony Morris what the slave-class (as a member of this class) teaches?

    Oh - I am so stupid - Jesus will be our (not for me as bird feed) doctor

  • aintenoughwiskey

    My dad went through 7 years of WW2, would not talk about it. TOMO spews out graphic details to children. Glory whore! Hey TOMO next time you need a hemorrhoid burnt off, call the plumbing department.

  • hybridous

    Infuriating...but I hope a greater good is served by appearing bizarre and directly articulating goofy beliefs and therefore alienating reasonable people who might investigate the religion.

    I thought that this might be one line they don't hold, but it's almost like they know they're full of crap...

    Stuff like this makes me really wonder just how deceived these deceivers are, If you were truly deceived, wouldn't you welcome full scrutiny by educated people?

  • NewYork44M

    I wonder if he was talking about my family. That would be cool!

    one young person went to university and not only left "the truth" but his parents divorced!

    Anthony Morris comes on screen telling me

    "We wont need doctors or lawyers after armageddon, but we WILL need carpenters and plumbers!!".

    In The WBT$ New System..

    Everyone Will Buy Real Estate From Watchtower!

    Image result for broadcasting Anthony morris.Image result for Watchtower real estate

  • sparky1

    GLORY whore............

    Thanks for the laugh, aintenoughwhisky If he needs a hemorrhoid burned off, the doctors will have to start at his neckline first.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The GB are getting worse and worse in their thinking abilities. According to brain scans fundamentalism causes brain shrinkage and AM#3's rhetoric is proof. I wonder what Anthony's Morris' brain scan would look like compared to a normal brain scan, probably lot of voids inside that that fucked up noggin.

    A neurologist has published a new book in which she asserts that religious fundamentalism could soon be classified as a mental illness. University of Oxford neurologist Kathleen Taylor says that it’s not only religious fundamentalism that could be categorized as a mental illness, but other forms of extreme or radical beliefs as well.

    The Times reports that Taylor says people who have fundamentalist religious beliefs, cult members, and even people who think it is a good idea to beat their children could soon be viewed as mentally ill and received corresponded treatment to cure their illness. Taylor explained:
    One of the surprises may be to see people with certain beliefs as people who can be treated. Someone who has for example become radicalized to a cult ideology — we might stop seeing that as a personal choice that they have chosen as a result of pure free will and may start treating it as some kind of mental disturbance…I am not just talking about the obvious candidates like radical Islam or some of the more extreme cults. I am talking about things like the belief that it is OK to beat your children. These beliefs are very harmful but are not normally categorized as mental illness. In many ways that could be a very positive thing because there are no doubt beliefs in our society that do a heck of a lot of damage, that really do a lot of harm.”

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I think we can safely say that the GB want to keep their members simmering in ignorance which keeps them Obedient to their corporation's directives and monotonous thought loops about loyalty to them despite all the negative information available on the world wide web.

    A shrunken head's donation is better than no donations at all,, seems to be the mode of operation for these policy making clowns.

  • Rainbow_Troll
    "We wont need doctors or lawyers after armageddon, but we WILL need carpenters and plumbers!!".

    LOL! That is just golden...

    But seriously, he's right. Worldly knowledge just makes people haughty and cynical. It's really a pity that the society relies so much on written material for its ministry. If JWs were just completely illiterate, they would never be in danger of learning anything. But even so, there are some practical steps any parent can take to reduce the chances of their child growing up to be an educated adult:

    • No home internet access. The slight convenience isn't worth the inherent danger. Who needs when we still have all the printed material? The same goes for smart phones; get your kids one of those stripped down walkie-talkie phones instead.
    • No library card. My mom came up with this brilliant idea. Instead of having my own library card, I would present my finds to her and, if she approved of the reading material, she would use HER library card to check them out.
    • No private schooling or tutoring. As a JW, you probably can't afford it anyways; but it needs to be said. Public school curriculums are more than sufficient for learning the skills your child will need to become a successful pioneer. However, be sure to choose the right district. Some of the more haute taute schools actually teach things like science, philosophy and (horrors! ) evolution! A good thing to look for are expressions of boredom and apathy in both the students and faculty. If your children don't seem enthusiastic about learning and don't discuss their school day without encouragement from you, you've found a winner.
    • Chores. Make your kids perform hard labor as soon as they get home. The more exhausted they are physically, the less energy they will have available for thought. Also, make sure they don't get more than five hours of sleep on school nights. Combine this regimen with a low protein diet and lots of junk food and your kids will have no chance of acquiring a good education no matter what kind of school they end up attending.

  • careful

    Evidently this would never have been hammered on like it is now under GB 2 back when GB 1 was in charge. Fred Franz, Bert Schroeder, and Lloyd Barry had all studied at universities. Only now with the total ignoramuses completely at the helm have Tony Morris types been given free rein.

    Of course, in antiquity there were no modern-type universities, but the fact is that the apostle Paul, who was used more mightily in writing NT books and distilling early Christian theology than anyone else, had the ancient equivalent of a college education. He studied under Gamaliel (Acts 22:3), who is portrayed positively in Acts 5, and the Roman official Festus accused Paul of too much learning (Acts 26:24). The style of his writings is certainly above others such as Matthew, Mark, or John.

    Doubtless Tony has taken all this under consideration...

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