Very little that is factual in the Bible?

by TerryWalstrom 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TerryWalstrom

    I married into a Jewish family for about 18 years and found (Reformed) Judaism to be among the most practical of religions. In fact, my Father-in-Law was a better "Christian" than most Christians as far as how ethically he treated others.
    My Sister-in-Law was more hardcore. She, her husband, and kids kept all the dietary rules. I found out through talking to her husband that in college Orthodox Jews have a separate set of textbooks for Science! No mention of evolution at all.
    That is astonishing.

  • EverApostate
    I’m pretty sure the talking donkey part is legit.

    When the talking donkey is Legit, why cant there be a talking snake too. I love the Bible. So much fun to read

  • waton

    How about the bible expert. President Duterte?

  • humbled
    the Earth is 7000 years old—vidiot

    l was a convert. If this had been put out front and center from the beginning l might not have gone in.

    I remember confronting his understanding that the society had placed as the earth’s age in some publication after l had been in for a while. I worked hard to reconcile this with other science. Finally, I let myself suspend both belief and doubt by creating a “shelf” in my brain. This convenient arrangement allowed me to put problems of faith in closed boxes to be dealt with at a future date.

    Opening those “boxes” meant leaving the bOrg. though l didn’t acknowledge it then.

  • truth_b_known

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  • sparrowdown

    Now that I believe the bible to be writings put together in one handy go-to place for the purpose of political control and social engineering it feels weird to hear people talk about it literally. It's a non-argument really.

  • jws

    Sparrowdown wrote:

    Now that I believe the bible to be writings put together in one handy go-to place for the purpose of political control and social engineering it feels weird to hear people talk about it literally. It's a non-argument really.
    THIS is one of the thinks that gnaws at me. So many Christians think of the bible as something people were writing. That Mark was writing his book to go into the Bible. Or that Moses was writing his for the same reason.

    When in fact, there was no grand scheme. People were just writing scrolls, copying them, adding to them, changing them. Then people assembled what they could find and put the ones they liked into an anthology.

    If there was some plan to make a bible, why do we have missing books? The bible mentions books, but they're nowhere to be found. If God intended people write a bible, why are there missing books? Isn't he powerful enough to see that they are preserved?

    it's the same thing as if I collected all the favorite science fiction I could find and put them in an anthology. Doesn't mean there wasn't a lot more. Doesn't mean this was the best out there - just my taste. And yet people think this is all inerrant and from god.

    I don't think most Christians conceive of a time without a bible or that people didn't know that was the ultimate goal when they were writing. It's as if Arthur C. Clark wrote 2001 because he knew someday 300 years later it would be included in some science fiction anthology. Ridiculous.

  • blownaway

    I looks at the bible like I look at Plato or other Greek writings, Just because Troy may have existed but that does not mean Medusa turned people to stone.

  • mikeflood

    I've found a NRSV Catholic Youth Bible, lots of comments don't take the six creation days literally...pretty reasonable seems...

  • TerryWalstrom

    I feel silly in retrospect. "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial..." was telling us about itself. Self-reference is the very essence of paradox.
    "Our hamburgers are the best because we say so."

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