Disfellowshipped for apostrophe!

by slimboyfat 41 Replies latest members campaign

  • Vidiot
    Listener - "If you record them long enough you're going to catch them out on something."

    Oh, yeah.

    Stupid assholes can only hide their stupid assholishness for so long before it starts to dribble out the cracks.

  • slimboyfat

    The main page says the channel no longer has content, so it may be being taken down.

    But the videos section has new videos.

    The most interesting video so far has got to be what the elders said when Mark was out of the room. It strikes me that they talk a lot about which Scriptures justify their actions. It seems they really believe what they are doing. Plus thy say it took longer than they expected. I find it interested they say if Mark had removed the videos that might have changed their minds,


  • jhine

    l have been thinking about this ( dangerous l know ) . Yes he filmed a meeting / service without people's knowledge but in most denominations a church service is a public meeting where anyone can walk in off the street and join in . A church is a public place . Why would anyone mind someone filming a talk / sermon ? Recording the Elders secretly ? ok but they were discussing him , does he not have a right to know what was said about him ?

    Maybe l am way off base here , just my thoughts .


  • sparrowdown

    I don't think you're off base jhine. In fact I agree with you.

  • jaydee

    me too....

    why wouldn't they want that, so very important message, broadcast to all the nations,

    for as many to see and hear as possible

    because the time is so very very very short, (that's not a Trinity of verys by the way)

    as all need to come aboard 'Joke overs' spiritual Ark for salvation, in these critical overlapping times hard to deal with.....

    Surely... (and don't call me Shirley) ...Jehovah has provided a great witness opportunity

    And Slim, the videos still seem to be there for me, you may wish to try again. May be some sort of glitch ..


  • darkspilver

    A church is a public place

    Although open to the public, a church is private property.

    If a person causes a disturbance then the person's 'implied invitation' to attend the church service can be revoked.

    I understand that if the private property's owners or their agents - such as the store/shop manager, the restaurant manager, the mall manager or the church minister - ask you to stop filming, and you don't, you can be removed.

    You could also be asked to leave / removed if you simply looked a bit scuffy - even shops have dress-codes, and they will ask you to leave if you do not abide by them.

    Additionally as an interesting side issue - in the UK there is currently some debate going on about POPS - that's Privately Owned Public Spaces:


    Recording the Elders secretly ? ok but they were discussing him , does he not have a right to know what was said about him ?

    I think the primary issue is that he has publically published those recordings - via youtube - rather than merely kept them soley for private use.

  • jhine

    Good points Darkspilver


  • Vidiot
    darkspilver - "...I think the primary issue is that he has publically published those recordings..."

    Big deal.

    I spent decades "playing fair" and "following the rules" and I got nowhere.

    The Org "breaks the rules" all the time fighting us.

  • slimboyfat

    Is anyone still following this?

    The latest is he is leafleting JWs as they enter the KH. It's getting a bit uncomfortable to watch to be honest. One of the elders Alistair Marsh says to Mark that he can't really object to leafleting, "as we used to do the same outside churches", but he just asked Mark not to harass people as he did it. Which seems pretty reasonable to me. Mark thinks the police are on his side, but I doubt they will tolerate it much longer. Maybe I'm wrong. See what happens.

    At least Mark's still got a sense of humour, reading the Matt scripture he reads, "come to me all who are trolling..." ha!


  • sinboi

    hahaha, I tot somebody was DF because he writes jehovah witnesses instead of jehovah's witnesses....

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