KURD is the word - and the word is KURD

by Terry 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diogenesister
    • How many Islamist atrocities pre Iraq War II can you list? I will give a start - 9/11

    • What??? They invaded in the 1990s!!!!! How many can you give pre Bush snr?
  • zeb

    The dumping of the Kurds recently by Trump has thinking Australians concerned; is this our fate too if the powers will it.

    and re EG Whitlams sacking by the Gov General John Kerr 1975.... (!) meant an arrogant Malcolm Fraser (Liberal party) became PM when a parochial Australian electorate dumped the Whitlam government in a rushed election over various scandals chiefly from memory was the debt the Whitlam govt had run up.

    (creating medicare, build hospitals, highways, revolutionize schools funding give traditional lands back to Indigenous peoples, funding most essential things the things the liberals in years of non govt did f*** all about.)

    Australia had a very poor school retention rate on par with the poorest countries in the world but the Liberals being the wealthy side of society cared not as their offspring were put through private schools and universities. Whitlam also wiped university fees so the brightest could go to university no matter their background or social level. This outraged the Liberals.

    It was later revealed that the Fraser govt had run up more in its first six months than Whitlam had run up in his six years.

    Whitlam invoked the wrath of the US when he asked that the Americans sit with the Communist Vietnamese for peace talks over the Vietnam war and from memory I have the impression to do so as equals. Being so considered outraged the American Govt.


    Terry have you just described a king of the north..? Food for thought for any JW lurkers here.
  • Diogenesister

    Cofty have you read any Allen Dulles bios?

  • Finkelstein

    Food for thought for any JW lurkers here.

    Yes there's no question Turkey's (King of the North) advanced to the south over the Kurds is stated in prophecy.

  • Doofgrandaddy

    https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/23/gough-whitlam-1975-coup-ended-australian-independence For Zeb

    The CIA and MI6 were neck deep in the sacking of the elected Whitlam Goverment

  • zeb

    something about what a wicked web they weave..

  • cofty
    What??? They invaded in the 1990s!!!!! How many can you give pre Bush snr? - Diog

    Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. The response by the west was limited to liberating Kuwait.

    There are so many fanciful assertions in this thread. Typical, myopic, self-loathing rhetoric.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The current situation in Syria is much more than just the mistakes of the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

    With the benefit of hindsight, it's easy to say that the Kurds should have been given their own nation state. Yeah, that's a good point but it's very easy to breezily declare that with 20/20 vision/hindsight.

    The Middle East has always been a region rife with tribalism, massacres, 'holy wars', beheadings and genocide.

    Here's a clip from a day or two ago in northern Syria. Syrian Sunni extremists, supported by the Turkish army, promise to behead any 'infidel' Kurd they find. A truly disturbing threat, when we consider the fate of James Foley, Stephen Sotloff, David Haines and Alan Henning.


    And here's another thing: a large chunk of our mainstream media are highly critical of the USA being the world's policeman. And these same media criticise Trump for pulling troops out of Syria.

    Well, what's it gonna be?

    You can't have it both ways, darlings.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    How many [Islamist atrocities] can you give pre Bush snr?

    Jesus Christ, we're spoilt for choice!

    You're an intelligent person but historically illiterate, it must be said. There was the Luxor Massacre* in 1997. Islamist extremists beheaded and slaughtered a bunch of tourists in Luxor, Egypt, in 1997.

    Too recent? Ok the founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, himself beheaded hundreds of Jewish captives, in accord with an Arabian judge's ruling. Muhammad dug trenches outside the court. Then the male captives were split into two groups: those who had underarm and pubic hair, and those that did not. Members of the first group were beheaded with a sword. I remember reading this account:

    "An adult male Jewish captive was brought out. He had torn his expensive clothes so that Muhammad and his followers couldn't loot his clothes post mortem. He kneeled down and his head was struck off."

    I've got a pretty good memory so it's close to being verbatim. Beheading is one of the Hudud punishments in Islam (the reason why Saudi Arabia beheads criminals).

    These and many others like them are atrocities. Unlike Christianity, Islam never had a reformation.

    If you care to honestly examine the history of the ME, you'll find that it is steeped in blood.

    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxor_massacre

  • Terry

    I think my only point (perhaps buried in the details) is that Public Opinion (and look at it here - we all have such opinions) comes NOT from standing there on the ground - but - from some "news" source.
    When we find ourselves being prodded to FEEL strong urging toward WAR by that media -- it is time to dig our heels in and wake up to the fact we have constantly been MISINFORMED on purpose.

    We were assured of the presence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Saddam's arsenal. Where are they? Still in the C.I.A. Defense Department Propaganda imagination.

    Ask yourself why it's okay to barge into another country and topple elected leaders.
    "Hi, I'm from the C.I.A. and we are going to tamper with your entire way of life FOR YOUR OWN GOOD."

    Maybe we just don't remember that the Noble Peace Prize winning President Obama ran out of bombs to drop!

    dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016
    blasted combatants or civilians overseas with three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day.

    ...these air attacks were in Syria and Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. That’s 7 majority-Muslim countries.

    We, the People can feel whatever we feel and it makes no difference.
    But - our Media and the Defense Department are incessant in manufacturing consent. Lies, disinformation, propaganda are part of the "carpet bombing" of words on our heads.

    So? So OUR OPINIONS are not ours. Not really. Not without a lot of digging.

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