How Do You Get Most Of Your News?

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Multiple sources, always read the counter / minority opinion of whatever you are being told.

    It doesn't mean you believe the other opinions, but you need to know what they are to form an opinion on what the real story might be, especially when the MSM are such a let-down when it comes to passing on accurate information.

    Watching the TV news is often just hearing what happened several days ago, but read to you, from tweets. Useless.

  • MeanMrMustard

    I don’t really take any MSM sources seriously these days. I’m sorry, but they are more akin to The Onion, and if you approach them this way, it makes it more palatable.

  • RubaDub

    Fox News, RT America, The Federalist, Breitbart, National Review

    wannabefree ....

    Does the steering wheel in your car only allow you to make right-hand turns .... lol.

    Rub a Dub

  • JeffT

    Three rights make a left.

  • betterdaze


    The View

    Emily's List

    David Hogg on Twitter

    Moms groups on Facebook

    Other women at my nail salon

    Anything "blue" on social media

    People and Cosmopolitan magazines

    Daytime shows, so I know what's popular to buy

    Night-time comedians, because they insult the president

    Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon, because gay people are special

    Sometimes, I just copy-paste headlines from Godlike Productions all day long without even reading them, so I get a lot of attention on Facebook making people fight over rumors.

  • wannabefree

    RubaDub ... 🤣😂 ... What are you implying?

  • tiki

    The Onion

    Actually the New York Times is my most dependable reliable source. TV Boston news stations secondly.....and Rachel Maddow.

  • wannabefree

    . . Seriously though, I watch CBSN because it streams free on my Google Nest Hub, I also check news on the internet at CNN and Fox, just the news, I'm not a fan of the obvious tilted opinion entertainers on either source.

  • caves

    I get news from just about as many news outlets as I can.Online and on tv. Anywhere from far left to far right and anything in between. I do that because my goal is to weigh in all sides and filter out as much sensationalism as possible.

    I get frustrated with them all really.

    I am on a lot of government site forums run by people holding jobs in different branches of the government. Those places are all over the map in terms of agreeing with each other. I rarely say anything on those sites. But when I do I make dang sure it is backed up by facts, research, facts and more research.

  • Biahi

    Mostly ABC and WGN, like The View, Rachel Maddow, nothing too late night, I am early to bed and early to rise.

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