Very Weird Experience During Recent Special Talk After Memorial

by Tenacious 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tenacious

    Hesitantly I attended this talk with my family and sat through it without batting an eye.

    Mentally I take myself out during the entire meeting some would describe this as daydreaming or zoning out.

    Whatever the case may be, for some reason this particular speaker, whom I know of but not personally, got my attention the way he would say certain phrases. He cited some texts that directly advised the audience that faith in Christ was the only way to salvation. When he read that text I popped my eyes and thought to myself "what the heck is going on?"

    I intently listened to see if he would defer to the outline or just speak freely. I couldn't really tell being that he either memorized it really well or he would discreetly view it from time to time. Soon the talk was over and we got into the magazine and I zoned out so as to not get upset with some of the crap they try to push down everyone's throat. Thankfully we reached the end, heard the awful singing, and then came the prayer by the same speaker.

    He started the prayer using "Father" and continued using "Father" and then came the Amen. I usually do not say Amen as I won't usually agree with anything these maggots say. Yet this time it was different. I said Amen. Why? Not once, none, did this brother use the name Jehovah in his closing prayer. I was shocked but very happy to see him obey Jesus in how we are supposed to pray to God.

    Has anyone else experienced the same or something similar?

    I'm still scratching my head over this one. Could it be he's awake?

  • Skedaddle
    Sounds like he may be awake... interesting. Maybe you should make friends - tell him you enjoyed the talk and his prayer. See what comes of the conversation.
  • FayeDunaway
    Definitely awake!! What an interesting experience!! No that never happened to me, tho for a couple of years before I was able to leave, i ached for it to happen
  • TheOldHippie

    Hesitantly I attended

    Mentally I take myself out

    get upset with some of the crap they try to push down everyone's throat.

    heard the awful singing

    I won't usually agree with anything these maggots say


    I am so disappointed with you - that you did not manage to put any more negative statements to show how tough you are, into your text. I mean, I KNOW you are tough and HAVE to show it to us all, but did you not have anything MORE negative to say?

  • Skedaddle
    @Theoldhag - who are you? I see you pop up every now and again with really nasty comments. Normally I notice that everyone just ignores you so I won't give you too much of my time but what's your deal? Are you still in? A sympathizer? Drunk?
  • Listener
    It could be that he is awake or at least, is trying to serve God in a proper way. Glad to hear that it made your attendance a little easier to endure.
  • kairos

    There was this one elder.
    He would use, 'father' as a word-whisker.
    Instead of continuing a coherent thought in his prayer, it was father this and father that. It got to be so ridiculous that certain ones, shamefully myself included, would keep our eyes open and make eye contact with others when he began to rack up the 'fathers'.

    Some would actually count the number of times he would say it and compare notes with others right after the meeting.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    He probably professes to be of the anointed, over use of the term "father" is a bit of a give away.

  • OneEyedJoe
    Call me a pessimist but being as this is the special talk, I expect there were more nonbelievers in the audience than is typical. He might just be aware that many people object to JWs with "you doing believe in Jesus" and decided to tailor the talk to non JWs in the audience that are used to hearing about Jesus and not Jehovah. If say it's more likely he was full-in and just using deceptive recruiting tactics than it is that he was awake.
  • ListlessWitness

    One of our eldubs always said 'dear heavenly father' repeatedly in his prayers, but muttered it so fast it sounded like 'devonly father'

    Just weird. The sad thing is, at the time it didn't make me laugh because I was so 100% drunk on the koolaid I was more concerned about him not representing us well in prayer! Scary.

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