why won't legal department simply release all the secret pedophile files?

by poopie 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Let it clearly be understood that incidences of pedophilia is not something most elders have to contend with in their positional duties of being Elders.

    I was a JW for 30 years and I dont ever remember hearing of such a thing in my area or other surrounding congregations.

    When it does occur they just basically handle it in similar fashion as another act of sexual misconduct.

    If the accused doesn't admit to the act, they will do nothing just like someone accused of other acts such as adultery , fornication.

    Sure they see this behavior as wrong but there was little defined action for the elders to respond to,.

    In the past they admonished individuals to bring the incident to the local law authorities because in doing so would bring reproach onto "Jah's" organization.

    Now this long standing directive is starting bite the WTS. in the ass and cost them not only in public image problems but in money as well.

    You'd think Jah would have guided them to no no no you must bring these matters to the local government authorities so they can investigate the matter and issue the rightful and proportionate punishment.

    .........Oh wait a second the bible says that children should be put to death for dishonoring their parents, and there is a incident of people smashing babies heads against rocks. that was all Oked by god so ............never mind

  • dubstepped

    @Finklestein - Not only is your remembrance of scripture correct, but among all the verses with specific directions on all types of minutia, there aren't any specifically addressing child sexual abuse. Almighty god forgot about the most vulnerable among us. So why shouldn't the one true organization of his followers among us? It rings true to form, unfortunately.

  • flipper

    FINKELSTEIN- I agree with you that in the years I was a JW - elders in all the congregations I attended kept child abuse cases VERY quiet. Nobody knew WHAT was going on. Hell, I wasn't aware there was a WT child abuse problem until several years AFTER I exited in 2007. That being said - as the years go on the general public AND I believe JW's who are getting more frustrated are coming out more openly and talking about child abuse within their congregations as more and more of these abuse cases come tumbling out of the WT closet.

    Your statement about the elders handling child abuse - " when it does occur they just basically handle it in similar fashion as another act of sexual misconduct. " I somewhat disagree with you on that statement. From all the cases of fornication and adultery I saw within JW congregations it seems like elders were MORE intent on dfing somebody on extremely slim evidence when it came to fornication and adultery. I saw cases when just hearsay would convict a person of adultery or fornication- and elders would push HARD at a person for hours on end to coerce a confession from them for adultery or fornication.

    It's NOTHING like that when a case of child abuse come up in JW congregations. It's like they won't do ANYTHING to convict a pedophile unless two witnesses come against the abuser. Then, they dilly dally along while WT legal has to be contacted , and by then the pedophile has either moved to another area to escape detection, or abused 7 or 10 more children while WT legal puts their net or cloak of secrecy over the whole matter. It's fucking disgusting and criminal. So in what I've seen- WT elders are WAY more severe against acts of adultery or fornication than child abuse. And that's just wrong and criminal

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @finkelstein: fantasies of pedophilia is prevalent in about 3-5% of the population, actual reported occurrence of statutory rape is ~0.3% and child abuse in general is even higher.

    The fact that you didn’t hear about anyone doing it in 30 years as a JW is EXACTLY the problem. You’re thinking as a JW that everyone in the JW population is “better” than “worldly” populations which is just not true, if anything, research has shown that less educated people have higher rates of both sexual and physical child abuse and JWs are amongst the LEAST educated religious group.

    I know as a child I was abused, the elders knew but nobody else did unless they interacted with our family long enough. My stepfather made us move every time the congregation got “too hot”. Ever known people that just don’t ever seem to get to be a ministerial servant even though they are always there, always put in their hours etc... yeah, those are the abusers whether it is child or spousal and when you think about it, there are bunches of them.

    I knew another family, the father kept on making children just so he could have sex with them, 8 of them. That person eventually went to prison not because the elders knew but because the school intervened. He was acquitted 3 times because JWs were encouraged at his trial giving character testimonies for the guy, because he was always in service, his kids were baptized at ~8-12 years old, Jehovah must have blessed him. You probably know how bad the case must have been when schools intervened in the 1980s and 1990s? 3 of the kids later committed suicide because they were disfellowshipped after they left home at 16.

  • Scully

    There's a delicious irony in seeing WT use tactics that come straight from the Catholic Church's playbook when their priests were being investigated for child sexual abuse.

    It's obvious that they're just as Spirit Directed™ as the Church of Rome.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes the JWS and its leadership emulate the bible word for word but what possible problem could come out of that ?

    The ancient Hebrew civilization existed 3000 years ago and yes they tried to structure social behavioral directives for their civilization but mankind has grown and learned a lot more about are selves, particularly concerning human rights and the protection of young innocent children.

    The JWS claim that for one to keep oneself spiritually righteous in the face of god, one must adhere to the bible and its words and directions.

    As its known very corrupt unwholesome evil people hide themselves in assumed places of trust and righteous vindication, like JWS Kingdom Halls.

  • Scully


    When it does occur they just basically handle it in similar fashion as another act of sexual misconduct.

    That's the problem. It is NOT sexual misconduct. It is a CRIME, and it rightly ought to be handled by the Superior Authorities™ who are trained in investigating these CRIMES.

    Sure they see this behavior as wrong but there was little defined action for the elders to respond to,.

    How about just being a decent person and report it to the police? Are they really that daft that they just sit there wringing their hands, knowing that a child is being raped on an ongoing basis, that they can't figure out the fucking right thing to do??

    In the past they admonished individuals to bring the incident to the local law authorities because in doing so would bring reproach onto "Jah's" organization.

    The real Reproach On Jehovah™ is not on the people reporting child sexual abuse to the authorities, it's on the bastards who are doing the molesting, as well as those dingbat Elders™ who know about it and sit on their hands, and also who utter threats to the families of victims that they'll be DFd if they go to the police or warn other parents about the sexual predator in their Congregation™/Circuit™/District™/Zone™. It's their disgusting behaviour that reflects reproachfully on the ENTIRE Organization™.

  • Scully

    You know what, guys?

    Elders™ who are aware of sexual abuse of children can pick up the damn phone and make an anonymous report to child welfare authorities. All they need to say is This child told me that they were being sexually abused. The Child Protection Services will follow up. The WT doesn't need to be notified, nor will they be implicated.

    Anyone, including the child themselves, can contact CPS and file a report. Why the hell not keep their number in your wallet or phone and give it to a child who comes forward with allegations.

    The goal is for the children to be safe. If the molester is a parent, they'll end up in jail where they belong.

  • waton
    wringing their hands, knowing that a child is being raped on an ongoing basis, that they can't figure out the right thing to do. Scully

    What percentage do you think are actually in that rape category? , but all in that US list are at least suspects in that big dragnet?

    Morpheus & Davis, intelligent discussion!

  • Finkelstein

    Wow Anony Mous what a heart breaking story.

    I don't doubt the validity either

    Got your point too Flipper.

    I wasn't trying intentionally to back the JWS elders but just show the stupid ridiculous way most JWS handle situations of pedophilia in their organization.

    It has been a serious problem within the JWS religion as well others and its about time there is a firm correction.

    Hopefully the governments will institute a enforced law that states all religious institutions and other secular organizations/Clubs must report all possible incidents of pedophilia that occur within their organizations and if they dont, jail sentences and large fines will be implemented.

    A law that particularly focuses upon religions for they are more prone to create a intentional cover up to protect their out going public image.

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