Be loyal when a relative is disfellowshipped

by UnshackleTheChains 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ruby456

    I haven't been to midweek meetings for a very long time and happened to attend this week and watched this video. The youngster could be anything between 15 and 18 and in the scene when she telephones her mum she looks truly alone and frightened. Her mum does not pick up out of loyalty to Jehovah's methods of discipline and we are to assume that this method works and that most would return. The mum is put in a bind too because the inference is that if she speaks to her daughter she is preventing her from returning.

    that night I had to put my mind in my study place where it buzzes with interesting ideas to get the scary feel of the video out of my mind and I am a grown woman who values and practices critical thinking skills and who prides herself on her newly gained confidence. This video is truly outrageous. It could only have come from extreme misogynists who have never had children and who are in fear of losing their positions.

    then there was a demand for money - at least £3 from each JW per year. I know I have seemed to defend them recently thinking lets be fair but now I am shocked at such outrageous behavior.

  • Chook

    Someone has to take some responsibility for the suicides after judicial committees, shame on this wretched religion.

  • slimboyfat

    It is a shocking video. Ruby what was the reaction to it like at your hall?

    Are you sure it was only £3 a year? Not per month or per week? Even that seems incredibly low.

    Not sure what it means in terms of their financial difficulty. I'm sure they must get more than £3 per publisher. Did they maybe mean £3 extra? It's difficult to make sense.

  • Ruby456

    It seemed like they were asking for an extra £3 and the reason given was to help victims of calamities. I have just checked with my relative. Sorry to mislead. my attn tends to wander

  • dozy

    The very fact they showed the video at the meeting shows that the Org isn't happy that many JWs still associate with their DFd relatives , especially their children not staying at home. An elder's wife in my former congregation goes on vacation every year to Spain with her DFd daughter & grandchildren - she tries to keep hush hush about it but most of the congregation know ( and gossip about it behind her back. ) Situations like that are pretty common in the Org and the Org knows it.

    And the video scene where the DFd daughter rings her mother's cellphone , clearly in distress , in the evening , and the mother glances at the phone , sees who it is , refuses to pick up and the father just continues reading the Society publication - is just wicked. She could have been raped , or in desperate straits. Just awful , and I think any JW who isn't completely brainwashed and assimilated must watch that scene and think - hmmmm. Even the Society permits emergency essential family contact.

  • UnshackleTheChains
    An elder's wife in my former congregation goes on vacation every year to Spain with her DFd daughter & grandchildren - she tries to keep hush hush about it but most of the congregation know ( and gossip about it behind her back. ) Situations like that are pretty common in the Org and the Org knows it.

    I know of a cobe in another Cong who regularly associates with his disfellowshipped daughter and family. She was disfellowshipped about 20 years ago. My Mrs knows all the gossip and fills me in on everything.

    Yet on the opposite end of the scale an ex elder (older generation) in my Cong has not spoken to his granddaughter for about 15 years since she was disfellowshipped. From what my good lady told me, she is now married with children.

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