Single Sisters Over A Certain Age Group Getting A Bad Rap

by HiddlesWife 72 Replies latest social relationships

  • blondie

    What is worse or equivalent is to find a husband that feels he has the God-given right to abuse his wife, emotionally, spiritually, and physically because he is the "head" of the house. I found more men likely to be like this than to be a wuss.

    Men in general have a larger pool to choose from to marry, 18 years young or even 20 years older than the man is. Women are looked down when they marry a man even 2 years older than they. It carries over to the WTS as well as the heavy hand of headship.

    Even when a man in the congregation does not have a heavy hand, the other men say he is a wuss, dominated by his wife or manipulated, makes the other men look bad or gives their wives ideas.

  • Hairtrigger

    This is a religion packed with old, warty

    bulls . Chasing after tender grass.

    With VIAGRA annointed minds!

  • FedUpJW

    I had no intention of settling for brothers who were unattractive or downright crazy, even though other sisters did!

    I agree, as a man I have no intention of settling for a "sister" that is unattractive or downright crazy. Sadly those two drawbacks seem to apply to more than 90% of JDubya females. In fairness though the Witless religion is mostly built on plainness of dress and grooming, and that is enough to make anyone crazy.

  • waton
    Women are looked down when they marry a man even 2 years older than they.

    Blondi, not by men they are not, must be by a jealous "sister" .--I know a mister who is ~35 years older than his wife and has a daughter in pre school, in his late 80s.

    here is the rub for ladies, men can have children aged past 100, ladies half that. The BBC had an article blaming/linking the longevity of the human race on these old geezers passing on their selfish genes through young ladies.

    My biggest mistake as a long past elder?: -- I did not discern and help a single sister with child to repel a really pathetic jw suitor.

    marriage is falling out of favour with in the general population, and wt's insistence is actually a plus in couples coupling. permanently.

  • LongHairGal


    I am glad you agree that neither one of us wanted to settle for an unattractive partner.

    But, I don't think you are getting the gist of what I am saying. There is feeling among many men - maybe not all - (in the JWs as well as the world) that HE can be any way he wants and can still land an attractive woman. Meanwhile, even the most attractive woman is worried about imperfections- beginnings of wrinkles, cellulite or whatever. Not so with many men! They are oblivious to their imperfections.

    Women in the "world" very often settle because they don't want to be alone.

    As far as you saying that many JW females fall into the category of being unattractive and/or crazy: I guess it depends on where you are. It's hit and miss, I suppose. But, back in the day when I was associated there was quite an attractive bunch of women in the hall and circuit. One of the elders told one of the single brothers: "Y'all need eyeglasses".

  • TD

    There is feeling among many men...that HE can be any way he wants and can still land an attractive woman.

    Meanwhile, even the most attractive woman is worried about imperfections- beginnings of wrinkles, cellulite or whatever.

    I would agree with that as a matter of personal perception. A great many men don't seem to be able to look in the mirror and see themselves as the rest of the world sees them. I don't know why exactly, but I would bet that it's been studied.

    Women seem to be on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, tearing themselves to shreds over things that are not unattractive at all. My wife, for example is sensitive about her height and doesn't understand that it's part of her appeal.

  • waton

    perhaps many a husband would be upset if they thought that the hour long procedure of their wife to get ready for the meeting is a ritual to become attractive to the males there. and one study showed that ladies, when having to make a snap decision will pick the rugged unkempt speciman over the well groomed.

    There are many unattached attractive and intelligent elderly sisters here, giving glasses to the remaining single brothers is not going enhance their chances.

    TD: heights? never was afraid of it, vertical beings welcome.

  • OrphanCrow
    TD: A great many men don't seem to be able to look in the mirror and see themselves as the rest of the world sees them. I don't know why exactly, but I would bet that it's been studied.

    Yes, it has.

    It is tied up with the politics of "the gaze". Basically, the position of power owns the gaze and the powerless are the objects of the gaze.

  • LongHairGal


    When the elder suggested to the single brother that he needed eyeglasses, he was referring to the YOUNG pretty women in the hall - not elderly women! Their chances, sadly, are zero unless they are flashing their cash around to be attractive for their money - not a good thing in my opinion.

    The fact is the ratio is twice as many women as men. It was my observation that many of those available men are below par in every category compared to the women there. I'm sorry if this offends any man here.

    Some women settled for them because they simply did not want to be alone.


    Only in the Kingdom Hall do they imagine they have "power".🙄 In the world when a man has $$$ of course women will want them...She will overlook how unattractive he is.

  • Finkelstein

    Unmarried single JWS woman who are middle aged and are known to not being married for a long time get the Elder frown and looked down upon by the rest of the married males.

    That's what its like in JW land

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