Why Do You Think There Is A Spike In Covid Cases?

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I still dont know anyone who died, let alone got covid, except one from april who recovered. I do know one each, heart, heart, alzheimers, renal. Just as real and more deadly

    We still are not told details, age, gender, health, symptoms.

    Whatof the places where there is not an election? There is way too much politics in the US narrative to believe anything. A big if on vaccines, both effectiveness and safety of rushed product.

  • ReinVENTingCindy

    From the CDC: "A novel coronavirus is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified. The virus causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is not the same as the coronaviruses that commonly circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold."

    My SUMMARY: This COVID-19 is NEW like all the other coronaviruses that developed before it, that they hadn't yet developed vaccines for.

    The LOCKDOWN under the veil of COVID-19 is a politico-economic experiment to see how this new model of remote working & food service delivery will work to reduce traffic & emissions causing climate change & global warming.

    After 1 year they will drop the corona & maintain the new working model with some revisions & convince everyone this is better. Like getting hypnotized or mind controlled unwittingly.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    Fifty years ago, when I was a child, I got the flu. I remember to this day how bad I felt. That flu was a hundred times greater than any flu I had since. My current doctor insists that I get a flu shot each year. Men at work say I'm stupid and that it's a conspiracy. I believe you build up an immunity.

    I believe that the over all cost of Covid should be considered. Who is qualified to set the priorities as we have seen politics enter the arena I don't know.

    Drug abuse overdoses, divorces, murders, alcoholism, depression, etc need to be considered as the ramifications of a full shut down. European countries have done the complete shut down, and the Covid cases are returning. What I interpret locally in the USA populous are saying that life should go back to 75 to 80% normal. Take the safeguards of social distancing, wearing a mask, wash your hands, don't touch your face, etc.

    I'm not sold on what a mask can do. However, What I will commit to is that any time you wear any personal protective equipment (PPP) your awareness is heightened as to danger existing. So, overall, I think wearing a mask and having to remember to wear a mask is good.

  • frozen2018

    I wonder why so few experts are recommending something as simple as taking vitamin D? It's possible there's not much money to be made with vitamin D, but it does help one's immune system. A couple of good walks a day, a mask, stay away from crowds, and vitamin D. Pretty basic.

  • tiki

    This is a stupid question. People not acknowledging the reality of the virus and not following sound medical advice.....wear the mask and keep distance. Chill...cool....and have a care for your fellow man.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Anna Marina

    I certainly am all for second opinions and fact checking but there is something about the whole covid thing that makes it feel politically driven and not fact driven.

    Most people trust their doctor and dont hesitate to go to them when they are unwell. That's because they are highly trained, and, in most countries, registered and must undertake continuous training. Doctors refer to highly trained research scientists for ongoing improvements in treatments and are guided by them. The scientist's work is reviewed and checked and tested.

    Despite all of this, people are doubting the science and recommendations of experts. Why? They don't question it when it suits them. Are they doubting because they are more skilled than the research, or is it because the research is telling them something they don't want to hear?

  • Simon
    Doctors refer to highly trained research scientists for ongoing improvements in treatments and are guided by them. The scientist's work is reviewed and checked and tested.

    I think you have a rose-tinted view of the industry.

    There are certainly some smart and diligent people. But it's an industry and people are profit-driven.

    Is the over-prescribing of opiates really medically driven for instance, or people doing what makes them the most money?

    Stop putting people on pedestals that don't really warrant being up there. Look at the work of individuals and judge accordingly.

    It's possible there's not much money to be made with vitamin D, but it does help one's immune system

    Exactly. It (vitamin D deficiency) appears to have a very highest correlation to mortality rate

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo


    If an untrained person walked into your work place and started questioning your workmanship, ethics and experience, how would you feel? I know I would feel irritated and insulted to say the least. That's all I'm trying to say.

  • DesirousOfChange

    If an untrained person walked into your work place and started questioning your workmanship,

    If the person paying Simon came in and was questioning him about his work, he'd probably think it a good idea to provide a reasonable explanation, even if the individual was not as tech savvy as Simon. He'd likely try to explain things in layman's terms to explain it.

    Have you ever had a physician that got "huffy" when you challenged them on a treatment and demanded a more comprehensive explanation? (Think blood transfusions maybe.) We certainly have! And guess what? That dude is working FOR ME. I deserve a reasonable explanation, even if I'm not as educated in the medical field or as savvy in medical terminology. I am paying his wages.

    When I go to get a "second opinion" and especially if it differs from the first opinion, then I deserve a more comprehensive explanation of both. And, this is what we have with treating the new virus. MULTIPLE OPINIONS. (Remember, these people are just "practicing" medicine.) Believe me, at least here in the US, there are plenty of unnecessary "procedures" given that are strictly profit motivated because "procedures" are more profitable that simple office visits or even hospital stays.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot
    frozen2018 8 hours ago

    I wonder why so few experts are recommending something as simple as taking vitamin D? It's possible there's not much money to be made with vitamin D, but it does help one's immune system. A couple of good walks a day, a mask, stay away from crowds, and vitamin D. Pretty basic.

    Exactly, take it along with Zinc. Masks and social distancing work well in Australia and New Zealand.


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