You Are Unsuitable!

by Divergent 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Divergent

    Today's text -

    Sunday, January 24

    They collected the fine ones into containers, but the unsuitable they threw away.—Matt. 13:48.

    Understanding the lesson of this illustration helps us to avoid being overly distraught or disappointed if a Bible student or one of our children does not make the truth his own. This may happen despite all our best efforts. Agreeing to have a Bible study or being raised around the truth does not automatically mean that a person will develop a strong personal relationship with Jehovah. Those unwilling to submit to Jehovah’s rulership will eventually be separated from God’s people. Does this mean that those who have left the truth will never be allowed to return to the congregation? Or if someone fails to dedicate his life to Jehovah, will he be forever classified as someone “unsuitable”? No. There is still a window of opportunity for such ones before the outbreak of the great tribulation. It is as if Jehovah calls out to them: “Return to me, and I will return to you.”

    So I am labelled "unsuitable" based on my refusal to follow a cult based on illogical man-made rules? A cult which has misinterpreted the Bible, made countless false prophesies, and protects pedophiles? I'm totally fine with that! I'm PROUD to be unsuitable and to all of you reading this, I hope you are too!

  • Xanthippe

    Oh yeah I am definitely unsuitable for a crazy cult with uneducated idiots telling me how to live my life. If people are suited to that good luck to them but it ain't for me.

    Edit: nobody is suited to living like that. I wish they would all realise that they are suited to 21st century living and they are capable of living independent lives. Just stop being afraid people. There are good people out here who care.

  • jhine



  • FeelingFree
    Hell yeah! Unsuitable all the way 😊
  • jookbeard

    the double speak really is nauseating ;

    unwilling to submit to jeehovahs rulership

    fails to dedicate his life to jeehovah

    a window of opportunity FFS

    all boils down to the genocide of billions, pathetic really.

  • slimboyfat
    I know you are but what am I?
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Let's highlight what thoughts J.W.'s are really having implanted into their minds at their weekly indoctrination:

    "Understanding the lesson of this illustration helps us to avoid being overly distraught or disappointed if a Bible student or one of our children does not make the truth [the Corporation] his own. [his god] This may happen despite all our best efforts. Agreeing to have a Bible study or being raised around the truth [the Corporation] does not automatically mean that a person will develop a strong personal relationship with Jehovah. [the Corporation] Those unwilling to submit to Jehovah’s [the Corporation's] rulership will eventually be separated from God’s people. [their families & friends] Does this mean that those who have left the truth [the Corporation] will never be allowed to return to the congregation? Or if someone fails to dedicate his life to Jehovah, [the Corporation] will he be forever classified as someone “unsuitable”? [apostate] No. There is still a window of opportunity for such ones before the outbreak of the great tribulation. It is as if Jehovah [the Corporation] calls out to them: “Return to me, [the Corporation] and I will return to you.”"

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i was never suitable. i found it impossible to carry on pretending to be a jehovahs witness when i didnt believe in jehovah---whatever that might be..

    if at some future date i get the call to become religious--i will shop around for a god that fits my requirements--not the other way round.

  • fokyc

    I was unsuitable for nearly 60 years. I tried to keep going for my wifes' sake.

    In JW parlance I was also NOT qualified to do anything!

    Some years ago when Bristol Assembly Hall, UK was being built, I volunteered for weeding - I wasn't even suitable for that!

    DF'd 3 years now - I never will be suitable for the JW Organisation.


  • Heaven

    As a teenager, I observed that reality didn't match the mythos and fantasy of religion.

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