Update on study with Elder....

by shotgun 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • undercover

    Wow. Good job. And you're getting a CO visit. Do you mean Circuit Overseer or Congregation Overseer?

    I had a meeting with an elder that was similar to yours('cept you handled yours much better'n I did mine). The elder said he would do some research and get back with me. The next week was the CO(Circuit) visit. I eagerly anticipated a phone call all week, knowing that the elder would bring him to my house. Not a peep. Haven't heard a thing out of any of them since and that was 4 months ago.

    Scholar: "Beware the Voice of Strangers"

  • scholar


    Let me assure that I have been a witness since 1964 and first learnt the truth in 1958. I have spent my youth in fulltime service including missionary activity and have served as an Elder for many years. For that long period of time I long spired to achieve a university degree and in recent years have achieved graduate and post garaduate status with the hope of a doctorate in the fields that Iihave spent a life long interest in namely theology, philosophy and biblical studies.

    Regarding dates accepted by the Wt it seems pointless in elaborating on such matters when the society has already commented extensively on such matters. You only have to read what has been published to be fully informed on such matters. I believe quite firmly that the chronology as taught by the society id accurate and in harmony with both the biblical and secular evidence.. This is a journey of scholarship of which if your interest moves you then move fprward with it. You will discover much buried treasure as I have done.


    BA MA Studies in Religion

  • shotgun


    You may be an honest person but from your posts its hard to tell for sure because you certainly do not speak like an active JW and in most of your posts you allude to real proof on subjects and then change the subject when asked to provide this proof. Hardly something that most scholar's would do.

    Your comment previously to elderwho was

    My suggestion is for you to focus on the letters of Paul and the role of the Church in these modern times.

    I have never heard an active JW refer to the Org or local cong as a church. This went out of vogue in the org in the dirty thirties.

    What do you think of JCanon's reply on the other thread in regards to chronology?

  • BluesBrother
    and have served as an Elder for many years.

    Who signs his posts

    BA MA Studies in Religion? Come off it . Everything that is contrary to WT thinking is in your posts

  • ellderwho


    Ive asked you to help me by using scripture to envoke Jehovahs Holy Spirit from my sinful state.

    That was your suggestion? As a "scholar" I would think you could rattle off at least 5-10 scriptures.

    I believe quite firmly that the chronology as taught by the society id accurate and in harmony with both the biblical and secular evidence..

    Would you be able to state the above say around 1875,1900,1910,1915,1920,1925,1930,1935. Your putting alot of trust in man.

    Jesus said, "for judgement I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see and those who see will become blind." John 9:39 NASB

    Can you see what I mean?

  • xjw_b12

    You have a poor understanding of the spirit directed organization and the role of its faithful slave. My suggestion is for you to do more personal study and pray for holy spirit so that all these things can be made manifest to you. My suggestion is for you to focus on the letters of Paul and the role of the Church in these modern times.


    LOL At least you have a good sense of humour scholar.


  • Elsewhere
    Let me assure that I have been a witness since 1964 and first learnt the truth in 1958. I have spent my youth in fulltime service including missionary activity and have served as an Elder for many years. For that long period of time I long spired to achieve a university degree and in recent years have achieved graduate and post garaduate status with the hope of a doctorate in the fields that Iihave spent a life long interest in namely theology, philosophy and biblical studies.

    Regarding dates accepted by the Wt it seems pointless in elaborating on such matters when the society has already commented extensively on such matters. You only have to read what has been published to be fully informed on such matters. I believe quite firmly that the chronology as taught by the society id accurate and in harmony with both the biblical and secular evidence.. This is a journey of scholarship of which if your interest moves you then move fprward with it. You will discover much buried treasure as I have done.

    LOL... Have you ever written for The Onion? You've got a great sinse of humor.

  • scholar


    I can can assure that I am an active JW and I have never evaded issues but have provided comments on issues that I believe are relevant to those readers of my postings. I have found that many simply want their ears tickled and do not have an open mind. If you are uncomfortable with the concept of church then that is your problem, for me. it is a beautiful term that well expresses the community of the Lord's sheep in worshipping Jehovah by proclaiming the gospel.

    You ask about my comments on JCanon's views on chronology. Simply speaking his views are rubbish, he has no academic credentials and hides behind a stupid nickname. I cannot regard him or his chronology with any respect. I would prefer to deal with the Jonsson hypothesis as then I know what devil I am dealing with.


    BA MA Studies in Religion

  • gumby
    Regarding dates accepted by the Wt it seems pointless in elaborating on such matters when the society has already commented extensively on such matters

    Now why would that seem "poinless" to you.....when that very matter undermines the truthfulness of the Organisation you uphold?

    "Your" own Organisation has it's own comments on those who point to dates and they didn't seem to think the subject was "pointless". They in fact called those date setters" false prophets" and quoted scripture to put these false teachers in their place.

    You also know ogf the many lives that were affected by all those who put trust in those dates. Those dates had to do with MUCH of what they taught or backed up other teachings with.

    You Apologists never attept to explain WHY Russell never recieved what he learned through any EXISTING slave class which you know is supposed to have existed and passed their truths on to him.

    You dub Apologist really weenie out in areas you know you are full of shit on.......and I mean "know".


  • gumby


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